Americans Are Getting the Real Raw End of the Deal

It is now the year 2011. Do you know where your politicians are? Do you know what they are doing with this country? Do you know what they intend to do about the jobless in America? Do you know what they intend to do with those who cannot pay their mortgage? Do you know what they intend to do with those who cannot pay for food to feed or house their families? Do you know what your Congressman or Congresswoman is doing? Do you know what your “representatives” are doing for you?

These are questions that need to be answered in America right NOW! It is an absolute shame to see what is happening in America today. There is such a disconnect between the “representatives” and the people. There was a time in America when the “representatives” were looking for ways to meet the needs of the general public. There was a time when they looked for ways to meet needs and then let everyone know that they met those needs. They would boast of the many jobs that they actually created. They would boast of the ways that roads were being built or fixed. They would boast of ways that they built new schools and improved the American experience. Now, they only boast about ways that they are taking away (cost cutting) from most Americans while increasing the profit of the rich!

When I think of the Republican mindset in Washington, I picture a group of politicians sipping wine, relaxing and waiting for the Presidential election. I picture them celebrating that they have the President’s hands “tied.” I picture them rejoicing and saying: “The less jobs Americans get, the greater our chances of regaining the White House!” Is that what they were sent to Washington to do? Were they sent to further their political agenda while Americans suffer?

The biggest tragedy in all of this is that more Americans are not enraged about what is happening before their very eyes. I am proud of the many thousands of people who are on Wall Street and all over the world in efforts to bring greater awareness to what is happening in our beloved country. A few politicians are getting a “free pass” from doing what they should be doing for the general public. As well, with the disproportionate tax burden placed on the middle and lower class Americans, the few very rich Americans are also getting a “free pass” from their responsibility to support America and help the general public. Americans need to demand change and refuse to be disrespected any further by politicians who have lost touch with what America’s “need of the hour” is. Right now, America needs JOBS! America does not need politicians, America needs solutions! Americans need leaders who will lead them to have faith in an America that has always sought to take care of its taxpayers, not overburden them and treat them like indentured servants.

Americans need to say NO to politicians who ignore the pain being experienced by the general American public. Americans need to say NO to politicians who have full health benefits while voting not to give the same privilege to the people they “serve.” Americans need to say NO to politicians who pay their mortgages, ride their yacht, golf, yet won’t sign into law a JOBS ACT that will give Americans the opportunity to also have employment. Americans need to say NO to politicians who eat a the best restaurants and ignore the fact that Americans are living in shelters, looking for food in garbage cans and can’t cloth themselves. Americans need to say NO to politicians who simply don’t care about the American public but are more focused on corporate donors and making a minority of Americans wealthier while the general public’s needs are overlooked. Americans need to say NO to politicians who ignore or fight against a JOBS ACT that is designed to put Americans back to work.

It is time for Americans to demand that politicians in Congress truly represent the American public. If they don’t like that JOB any more, then it is time for them to be relieved of those duties so that the needs of Americans of the United States of America will finally be met again.

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