Winter Wonderland: Have Fun with Your Children

I’ve raised two girls and have seen it all during winter. From colds and flu in rapid succession to ice storms that took out the power for days. I’ve seen teachers strike for 6 weeks and chicken pox that to this day makes me hum the theme to “Fraggle Rock.” When it comes to surviving these issues I’ve become an expert through good old-fashioned hands-on experience. If you are new to this parenting gig or just so exhausted that you can’t think straight, here are a few tips to get you through this winter.

Hot Cocoa
Hot cocoa curse everything from losing a snowball fight to soothing a sore throat. It’s also a great bonding experience to sit with your children around a mug on “kiddie coffee” as we called it and have them talk about their dreams and fears. On snow days, have them use up some of their creative energy by helping you bake some cookies to eat with the cocoa.

Kid Friendly Movies
I am absolutely not one of those people that believes in using the television to babysit their children. That said, I still take comfort in chicken noodle soup and Scooby Doo, the soup my mom gave me when I was sick and stuck in bed watching my favorite cartoon. For a sick child, as with a sick adult, rest is one of the best medicines available. However the comforting sounds of a familiar movie can help them relax and give you time to clean the house and fix them something to eat. For prolonged weather related time off, a movie can be a fun treat on a cold day. Pop some popcorn and enjoy it with your children. They will not remember or care how perfectly clean the house was when they were little. They will always remember the snow day when you spent it playing with them.

A Basket of Crafts
I always kept a basket or milk crate full of craft items. EZ Bake sun catchers, beads, crayons coloring books and markers can give your kids something to do on a snow day. For the sick child, coloring can be a way to take their mind off of not feeling well.

I grasp that video games are the in thing these days. Still, there are board games that can be a bit of old-fashioned fun. This is especially true if the power is off. Every home should have a few of the old standards such as Clue, Sorry and Checkers. These are games that the whole family can enjoy. If you want to make it educational, Trivia Pursuit has several editions available for even young children to play.

A Sense of Humor
If you are going to do more than survive you need a sense of humor. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Clean the dirt and worry about the mess later. Just because you are snowed in doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. It just means that you have to have fun at home. Build a snowman, go sledding, play games and laugh with your children. In the blink of an eye they will be adults. A sense of humor is the best way to thrive during the winter.

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