What’ Really Real?

It is not official but relativity for all practical purposes has bit the dust. The experiements that set out to find God have found something else that will upend physics forever and clear up our preception of existence. How you might say. When quantum mechanics was a baby weird things were happening or predicted to ahppen later on down the line when the experiments caught up to the physics. The most amazing one was that data is translated from one edge of the universe to the other simultaneously even if relativityexpounded that it could not happen. The experiemnets caught up and proof that quantum mechanics was correct put a cloud over light. Light was the cornerstone of special relativity and the reality, nothing could go faster than light. If it did the mass would become infinite and who kew what would happen next. There had been signatures ten years ago that hinted at faster than light but the status quo covered it up, there were to many jobs. The new world of physics will not be dominated by relativity or its champions; its a new day. The neutrino, a particle with little mass or none at all, will be forever heralded for ending the dark ages of physics. Relativity had this jacket for the neutrino; if it is massless it must travel at the speed of light and if it has mass it cannot reach the speed of light. That is the jacket relativity put on the stuff of reality if you want to be real about it. Recent experiments are so definte that their authors want new ones done to believe it; neutrino’s travel faster than light. The theory goes on to say if it does that its mass must be infinite, wait a minute. Billions of these particles are leaving the sun each day, passsing through everything, me and you right now………..that’s right! If the mass should be infinite why are we still here and the sun is part of our one possiblity thang called reality. How could our body not react to infinite mass or vice versa? The ramifications take us into a new epoch of our understanding of this existence with technologies based on quantum mechanics; no restraints. But what if relativity holds up and the experiment is judged a mirage. This has been what has happened with all other aspects of quantum mechanics to a certain degree; will we be denied this new knowledge? The evidence that confirms reality is more richer than our wildest dreams is out of the box. The multiverse, thusness, universal knowledge, ordinary mind will become attributes in a total entanglement that had its start at the quantum level.

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