Ways to Soothe Aching Legs

When the legs are aching it can be impossible to sit still let alone sleep. Pain causes restlessness, and it can cause everything from a rise in blood pressure to fatigue. When the muscles hurt, this can affect work and play, but it is possible to soothe and relieve the discomfort. Try these easy ways to soothe aching legs, and find relief without using prescription muscle relaxing products or pain relievers of any type.

Precautionary Statement

Aching legs can be a sign of a serious medical condition. Massage and other techniques can exacerbate the problem in certain situations. This information is not meant to replace professional advice or care. When in doubt, consult your healthcare provider immediately.

Soothe Aching Legs with Moist Heat

When looking for quick and easy ways to soothe aching legs, apply moist heat. Find relief with a moist heating pad or use hot, wet towels. Use a heating pad according to manufacturer directions, or place absorbent towels under the hottest running water that can be tolerated against the skin. Wrap the legs for about ten minutes, and repeat the process once each hour. This can be enough to soothe aching legs. They moist warmth will feel great!

Give yourself a Massage

An extra pair of hands is not always available when legs are aching, but it is still possible to soothe the pain. Give yourself a leg massage to loosen tight muscles. Use the knuckles to deeply massage the calves and thighs. Even self-massage can make a huge difference. Consider using a handheld shiatsu massager. It is worth every penny, and it will work far better than typical vibrating massagers.

Soak in a Hot Bath

When trying to soothe aching legs, treat yourself to a leisurely soak in the tub. Fill the bathtub with the hottest water that is comfortable for soaking, and lay back and relax. Mentally transport yourself to another location, and concentrate on soothing aching legs instead of thinking of anything else. Concentrate on relaxing each body part, one by one. Also, consider using scent to soothe the senses as well. Choose lavender or vanilla-scented candles as aromatherapy. It will relax the mind, body and most importantly, aching legs.

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