The it Girl! 10 Things a Girl Needs to Be Popular Pt. 2

Every It girl has been co-signed or promoted by someone (or some people) that we trust. In order for the It girl to get the status she has, someone has to put her in that position. Someone honorable, talented, powerful, or trustworthy sides with her, and from that point on she’s a force to be reckoned with.

The rest of us can get validated by some simple networking. Find those people (or person) that can up your status. Read Millionaire Marketing Pt. 3: 5 Networking Strategies to Move Up the Corporate Ladder for more tips on how to network. These tips can be used professionally or in your personal life.

It girls don’t have hang ups about their looks like the rest of us. They flaunt their flaws and use them to their advantage. Have you ever seen Beyonce trying to hide her hips? What about Kim K. trying to hide her butt? What about Rihanna’s full legs? Ever seen her hide them? Of course not. They have pride in themselves!

It girls know something we don’t know, and that is that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. They know they are beautiful despite those so called flaws. As a matter of fact, those “flaws” has helped those women in their career. We actually admire their large body parts.

So take your own flaws and work them! Use them to your advantage. You may have someone in your life that tried to make you think you weren’t good enough, but who the hell cares about what they think? If you want to be hot, you have to act hot first. Its all in the mind. Your “flaws” can become a powerful asset that you can use to your advantage.

It girls are true to themselves. While the rest of us are out there trying to be everything to everyone, It girls are doing things the way they want to do it. They are usually rebels, except they never cause very much trouble. They just do what they want while the rest of us marvel.

Staying true to yourself is an old message, but we still seem to fail at it. The fear of not being accepted or being judged has many of us hindered. But you have to embrace being different in order to get ahead. And different doesn’t mean dressing up like Gaga. Different just means being YOU. Read the article Being Yourself: A Great Message for Teens & Adults.

It girls have a certain level of class that other women don’t have. They carry themselves with poise and they have a sense of pride. Although some of them may push the envelope time to time, they do it in such a way that looks clean and well put together. They never appear to be dirty. They seem innocent and we root for them because of it. We always want the good girls to come out on top, and the It girls are usually good enough.

You may be thinking, “I don’t want to be a good girl. I’m tired of people forcing me to be a good girl.” And I completely understand, but the good girl is only good by perspective. She only appears to be a good girl. But in most cases, she really isn’t.

Basically the It girls are usually an organized mess. She’s human, she makes mistakes, but she doesn’t allow her image to be destroyed because of it. She has CLASS. She goes about her decision making in a classy way. It’s not what you do, IT’S HOW YOU DO IT. So always do what you do with class.

And the #1 thing it girls need……ADVANTAGES!
If you haven’t read my series The Power of Beauty, I explain to women why we need to possess all (or some) forms of beauty–looks, sex appeal, personality, charm, and talent. In this series, I will break down the 10 things that most powerful women of the world seem to have, and I encourage you to develop these same traits to help you maneuver through life a little easier.

The It girls of the world all have something about them that the rest of us don’t have. Sometimes that is looks, money, a “perfect” family, relationship, or career. These women basically have something that the rest of us only dream of. They may have power and success for multiple reasons (which we will talk about later), and they’re life may be just as crummy as ours, but they look like they are living the good life.

We put these women on a pedestal because we admire their lifestyle and wish we could be like them. So women, if you want the It factor, work on your STATUS. Work on developing something that most other women don’t have. This is the thing that will give you an advantage in all kinds of relationships whether it’s personal or professional. Once you develop that advantage (assuming that you don’t already have it developed), let it show! Don’t be a bragger, but definitely don’t hide it. No other It girl hides her advantages, and you shouldn’t either.

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