The Errant Race Card

Ever since Obama began displaying his gross incompetence as the titular leader of the Free World (and that would be immediately upon his assuming office), I’ve been struggling with whether or not I should I write this piece. But I truly believe the subject needs to be addressed, in spite of my vacillation, so here goes:

As a white guy (and worse yet, a conservative WG), the very fact that I recognize Obama as choosing to claim exclusive affiliation with the African-American race (despite his being half white) while I proceed to criticize him – and more importantly, those who voted him into office – will undoubtedly be decried as racist; there’s nothing I can do about that.

But my point is not about the man’s race or racial self-identity, quite the contrary … it’s about his perceived racial identity, and the nonexistent traits assigned to him by others, by virtue of only that perception, as it relates to his election and performance.

I personally wouldn’t care if the man was sky-blue-pink with poky-dots, but I’m in the minority on that particular count. Most everybody who voted for him did so only because he claimed to be black, and so was perceived as such. You can argue against that all you want, but you’d be wrong. Would he be president now if he had chosen instead to identify with his Caucasian heritage? You know full well he wouldn’t – he’d just be another dizzy liberal politician nobody cared about, if that.

The entirety of their intent in electing him president was for these “morally superior” voters to prove to the world that an (arguably) black man could be President of the United States. Period. Not a specific, capable, experienced, and uniquely qualified black man, mind you … just a black man. Obama simply attested to the latter requirement, and that’s all the credential from him they needed to act. They impulsively flipped the Race Card out of the deck and, as a direct consequence of that self-deluded effort, turned up but a lousy Joker to lay on the table.

So, given the fact that Barack Obama will go down in history as (easily) the worst American president ever – having intentionally orchestrated and micro-mismanaged our descent from the pinnacle as the world’s greatest super-power to just another floundering debtor-nation – does that then prove a black man can’t be the President of the United States? After all, that’s the extended logic dictated by the reason they elected him in the first place, isn’t it?

I have, quite sadly, heard people say things like: “It’ll be a cold day in hell before America elects another black president.” Now, this kind of reactionary sentiment isn’t just Obama’s assured legacy, this is, even more, an indictment of the unthinking mob of “enlightened” fools who selfishly thrust this wholly unqualified, inept, petulant man-child into office solely to service their own cultural dreams and whims, the pressing, critical business of the country be damned. Shame – SHAME – on them!

America, with a little luck and a whole lot of hard work and sacrifice, will probably recover (eventually) from this disastrous sociological tantrum, but will African-American public servants? Will the arrogant invitation to fail miserably, so irresponsibly issued to Obama, now preclude valid invitations being offered to authentically black politicians and patriots who are actually qualified and whose higher service would benefit America immensely? Talk about racism!

I pray that won’t be the case, because there are lots of Aces still in the deck to be played; among them, presidential primary contender Herman Cain, the former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, and war vet Allen West, the United States Representative from Florida’s 22nd Congressional District, to name just two.

Exceptionally fine Americans both; either of whom I’d be honored, and feel blessed, to call “Mr. President.”

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