Study Proves Fruits and Vegetables Improve Skin Health

A new study published in a recent issue of Skin Pharmacology and Physiology has demonstrated that people who regularly consumed fruit and vegetable concentrates experienced an improvement in their skin health.

The study took place over a twelve week period and consisted of 52 healthy women with normal to dry skin. The ages of the participants ranged from 40 to 65 years old. Only women who were nonsmokers, not pregnant and had no history of nutrient, liver or lipid abnormalities were permitted to be a part of the study. Women in the study were not allowed to use nutritional supplements, tanning beds, go sunbathing or use medications that could interact or interfere with the study procedures.

Participants were asked to take four capsules that contained juice plus a fruit blend and vegetable blend or were a placebo. The gelatin in the capsules consisted primarily of blended fruit and vegetable pulp and juice powder concentrate. The women in the study were asked to take two capsules in the morning and two capsules in the evening.

Microcirculation is responsible for the circulation of oxygen and nutrients to the skin. The study showed the microcirculation rates for the skin had increased (39%) in participants at the end of twelve weeks. The study also revealed an increase in skin hydration (9%), thickness (6%) and density (16%) among those given the capsules containing concentrate. Those who were a part of the placebo group showed a decrease in microcirculation and a slight increase in skin density

The study illustrates the role proper nutrition plays in maintaining healthy skin. Women with documented nutritional deficiencies have a pattern of skin disorders and negative skin structure. Skin density and thickness does decrease naturally during the aging process. The study has been able to demonstrate that eating regular amounts of fruits and vegetables will improve overall skin health.


Skin Pharmacology and Physiology Article

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