Preparation for a Power Outage During Hurricane Season

Since we are still in full blown Hurricane Season and Blizzards around the corner I decided to make a list of what worked and didn’t work for me during my three day power outage caused by hurricane Irene.

Shopping for Food

I never understood why people ran to the store and get milk and bread when tropical conditions are looming. But I joined in the madness when I heard that Irene was going to be in my path. I bought milk, eggs and bread and a couple of frozen food. Of course we still had food in the freezer and refrigerator from monthly grocery shopping in the past. I ended up having to get rid of 3 lawn bags full of food after the power outage. Some insurance companies like USAA reimbursed their client for emptying their refrigerators and freezers for up to $500 dollars. It’s a waste to have those huge refrigerators. I barely can find what I am looking for anyway. I think I go back to my native ways – The German way and go shopping every day while I am running errands anyway. It’s amazing how clean my refrigerator looks now and that I can actually find the veggies I am buying. And if a hurricane hits me again I won’t have that much loss because there is not much in there to begin with. So milk didn’t work for me but Tuna Crackers for dinner, Banana as a fruit and Peanut Butter Sandwiches worked great. The little Vienna sausages could also replace hotdogs. We were lucky enough that we had a gas stove so I could cook eggs the next morning while they were still safe to eat. For us with a gas stove can foods worked great and were a cheap alternative for going to a fast food restaurant in order to get some food.


I feel very uneasy to go to sleep with candles burning especially with children in the house. I even heard from one of my customer that some apartment complexes didn’t allow their renters to light candles during the power outage. Yet, the candle department in our Walmart seemed raided. Even a week after the hurricane the shelves are still empty. And sometimes you got to do what you got to do. A couple years ago a neighbor gave me two grave yard candles during a power outage and didn’t want them back. I dug them back out and they were a great asset again. For once they are heavy and can’t easily fall over. Second they burn so slow that I am sure they could assist me in more power outages to come. I kept them on my heavy kitchen table away from anything what can catch on fire and let the kids sleep on the couch so they can see that little light it was giving them. I want to have more graveyard candles just in case. Tea candles burn fast and I only feel comfortable around them by watching them.

Light Sticks

You know those little light sticks your children get at fireworks, festivals and theme parks. Even at Halloween some parents hand their children light sticks so they can be easily spotted at night by drivers. Well, I love those things anyway. Michaels sells 12 for a buck. I have them laying around all year long for birthday parties and gifts for others. Light Sticks are safe, affordable and fun. My children felt good having a light stick wrapped around their arm which was given them some light. I also placed them in the bathroom and created a path with them for my children to find the bathroom. They lasted all night. We even had a dance party with a battery operated radio and it was fun watching those light stick on my children arms. Think about it in case of a Tornado or destruction of your house due to damaging winds rescuers might be able to find you easier in the dark if you have a light stick or a lighted wrist band on your arm.

Batteries, Flashlights, Lighters

We needed all kinds from A to D for our radio and as a light source. Instead of going last minute shopping I think everyone should have those batteries and a couple of flashlights easily located near buy. It was a pain to find the right size batteries when needed and I make sure I always have now the right kind of batteries and flashlights available in preparation for the next power outage. I liked the little flashlight because I had lots of AA batteries and I could leave it on all night so my children were reassured that they could see somewhat. I used a cake candle to light my stove but as non smokers I had to ask my neighbor for a lighter. A long lighter along side of Batteries and flashlight should be always in your emergency kit.


I was told that a lot of people were trapped in their houses and couldn’t get out unless they walked since streets were blocked by trees. A saw would be handy for things like that so you could remove the trees from your drive way at the next hurricane.

Also a couple friends of mine didn’t have clean water for days after Hurricane Irene hit. Hand Sanitizers and other soaps, which don’t need water, would be nice to have for washing face and hands during the next power outage.

Camping Gear can help you to get your convenience back. My husband was thrilled rumbling through the camping gear and finding a cool light and more important a coffee maker for the woods. This way we didn’t have to give up our morning coffee. When you hear the next Hurricane is approaching go ahead and look through your camping gear and see what you can find from hand operated can opener to a coffee pot.

I saw a lot of people buying coolers and ice. In don’t think that is necessary to buy a cooler in my honest opinion as your freezer section is well isolated anyway. You could stick everything in there and just put a couple blocks of dry ice or fresh ice in there. It will have the same effect. If you have dry ice, make sure it is all frozen before the hurricane or blizzard hits. This way you can keep your stuff cold without the mess of melting ice.

It cracked me up walking into Wal-Mart and I saw all those customers recharging their cell phones at the outlets designated for electric carts. My neighbors just had car adapters for their cell phones and charged their phones that way. Also some families went in their cars to get some air-conditioning or watch some movies.

With a digital camera it is easier to report your wind damages to your insurance company. Don’t just trust your insurance agent to do the right thing, go ahead and make pictures of damages yourself. Ripped of sidings in the rain, missing shingles, flood damages of some sort can be easily documented with your digital camera or cell phone pictures.

Other Preparations

I remember laughing at the Tide Commercials telling potential customers that they helped to restore comfort by providing free laundry detergent during Hurricane Katrina. Well, I wasn’t laughing anymore during Hurricane Irene. I was worried running out of clean towels and rags. I put washing my laundry off until it was too late. If you hear a hurricane is coming go run your dishwasher and your washer and dryer and make sure that everything is washed. It is good to know that you have clean clothes the next day and the day after despite the power outage during the hurricane. All the Laundromats in my area were affected by the power outage to. I drove by at each one of them.

Hopefully my tips can help you to prepare for a possible power outage in your area.

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