Parents: What Not to Teach Your Children

The world is a totally different place than it was just a few decades ago. Today the way people talk, dress, and think has been reformed drastically. Especially has changed is the way children view and respect themselves, their parents, and others. Years ago, you would not have thought of turning your television on to see and hear about some of the most horrendous crimes committed by young ones. As a parent, one would understandably ask: What is happening to our children?

Is there a lost hope for our generation of children and for the future generation to come? No! While there is that time when children grow to have a mind of their own (the dreaded teenage years) we as parents can impart to our children healthful teachings and ways that will and can contribute to them becoming respectable adults.

Children at a very young age pick up on bad habits. Believe it or not, they are watching everything that you do and say. It’s like they are recording it, and as they grow you will see them rewind and play it back to you in their conduct. So what are some things that parents would not want to teach their children? Here are 6 things parents would want to avoid teaching:

Foul Language

It’s a given, if you use curse words or foul language, your child will likely pick up the habit as well. Hearing a child speak such words is very unpleasant!

Unpleasant Manners

If you never say “please” and “thank you” they likely won’t bother to use those appreciative words either. This can be done easily! Just start saying it and they will too. Children also need to know the importance of saying “excuse me” and “I’m sorry”. If your child is aware of a mistake you have made, especially if it was towards them, apologizing about it teaches them the importance of not only forgiving but saying “I’m sorry”.

Smoking, Drug Use, Alcohol Abuse

It has been noted that children parents that use drugs, smoke, and abuse alcohol have a greater chance of doing so as well. Sadly some children have witness the abuse of a parent due to alcohol abuse. These substances are not at all healthy for your child’s physical or mental growth.

Poor Dress Code

Baggy pants, short skirts, ripped jeans…whose dressing our children? Sadly, many parents today do not take a personal interest in their children’s dress and grooming. Our clothing says a lot about us and who we are. What message does your child’s clothing send?

Television Obsession

There is a lack of real personality among children today; one reason is because of the television. A lot of teens, even children, become discontent with themselves because of the pressure or feeling that they must look and act like persons on the television to be normal. Parents can do well by monitoring what their children watch on t.v. and by not being so consume and dictated by the television themselves.

It’s Not Important To Get Together

Family time should be just that-Family Time! As a parent you want to set aside time each day to spend with your children. It’s not always the amount of time either but the quality. Eating and talking together at dinner or talking with your child each night at their bed side can go a long way.

These are but a few things to avoid teaching your children. It should be every parent’s goal to teach their children to be respectful and mannerable. When we do, we not only help them but reap the joys ourselves.

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