My Personal Conversion: Atheist to Catholicism

I was raised in an atheist home where God was not discussed. A home where prayers were not spoken. A home where there was no belief in a higher power. And no belief in heaven. Today I am a devout Catholic. So how did my deep faith life come to be, and how has it changed my life?

Surprisingly to many, my parents were married in a church and I was baptized. Though done simply for ceremony and tradition, I am none the less grateful that I was (unknowingly) claimed for Christ as a baby. Growing up in England until I was almost 14, Christian studies were a mandated part of my school curriculum, and attending holiday church services with my classmates the norm. No separation of church and state in England. But at home, Christmas and Easter had no religious meaning, rather they were simply times to gather with grandparents and relatives, exchange gifts, and be together. I knew the “Our Father” prayer, and could recite it by heart as a child. But the prayer never infiltrated my heart. My life had no guiding compass; it had a sad emptiness to it.

My family immigrated to the United States when I was 13 and I was suddenly immersed into the American culture. Quite quickly I realized that I was in a country of believers, for the most part. People had something very special here, something I hadn’t experienced, yet yearned. Then one summer, I was invited to attend a Christian camp with friends. My mother knew the friends were from a deeply religious family, but I was allowed to attend. It was there that my Lord and Savior claimed me, and I gave my life to Him. I remember having an inner peace that day, a peace I had never experienced before. Many tears were shed that weekend, as I pledged to be a follower of Christ Jesus. All of a sudden, my life had changed direction. Life became clear, and my heart rejoiced with joy.

Going forward my life would be different – it would be guided by the Lord. Several years later as a young 20-year-old college junior, I encountered another major turning point in my life. God brought a very special man into my life – a young Catholic man who had been considering the priesthood prior to our meeting. Our bond was strong and immediate. We talked for hours upon hours about the plan that God had for our lives, and just a few months later, we decided that God wanted that life to be together, as husband and wife. Doing His will as ONE.

Being raised in an atheist home, and yet coming to know Christ so intimately and personally later in life has given me quite a unique outlook on life. I understand those who do not believe, and yet yearn to share my faith with them. I gave my life over to Jesus on that summer night 40 years ago. Today I love my faith, and my relationship with our Lord is central to everything I do. My faith life sustains me through my darkest days. And every day I thank God for his grace and the gift of faith. There is an inner peace that comes from personally knowing Christ, and living for HIM and under His Love.

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