Lose Weight or Lose Fat?

Although it is not my intention to lead a crusade against the low-calorie diet, I must make aware of misleading information it gives you. In fact tells you that you have lost or gained weight, but will not tell you if this weight is fat, muscle, or water. Let’s face it, to lose weight it does not take a scientist, the important thing is to eat less calories than you consume, and hocus-pocus you’re done!

This is evidenced by the success of diets that appear in magazines, like the soup, lemon, water and so on, without having any scientific basis, can make you lose weight very quickly, at least for the first few weeks. He’s right, your body is beginning caught by surprise by the very low-calorie diet and unbalanced and then managed to deceive decreasing weight. After some period is compelled, for purposes of survival, to get used to a reduced nutritional intake and then adapt its metabolism to those poor calories. If you want to continue to reduce weight simply: “take what little you eat.

Without speaking, then, that physical activity is recommended during the low-calorie diets. We impose a moderate aerobic activity (walking at a maximum) otherwise you lose weight on the scale. Every time that you should do some ‘business with the weights you answer that the purpose is to lose weight and not put muscles, but this statement, as you will see, leave things as they are.
So: light low-calorie diet + aerobic exercise = weight loss program.
Try, for curiosity, to detect the percentage of body fat, using a skinfold, or otherwise, before you start and when you finish that fantastic weight loss program. You will be shocked!

You have lost 5 kg in a week but your percentage of fat is equal to or even higher than the initial fee. But this is of little interest, the important are those in less than 5 kg. Then continue until things change little by little: you feel more tired, the weight does not drop more, those walks have become marathons, you look in the mirror and see a flabby body and those love handles so much hate. Which is why you decide to make a further cut to that imaginary diet eating only once a day. But even so things do not seem to change. What has happened?
Simple, you got what you wanted: the destruction of losing weight through muscle mass, which consequently led to reduced metabolism. At this point it is better to clarify the different roles that have the fat and muscle.

The first fabric is idle, ie is the energy source of our body. To better explain, man survived, thanks to its high capacity to store energy (fat) that allowed him to overcome long periods of famine and drought. Given that the current human machine is still set with the genes of at least 100,000 ago, still tend to store fat and lose with great difficulty. In this regard, studies have shown that the human body is not able to lose more than 300 – 500oz of fat a week, so that, if in the last seven days have lost 5lbs, you’ll find that doing a simple operation, if it went okay, you lost 300 – 500oz of fat and 4.5lbs of lean tissue and water.
The muscle, however, is an active tissue, which needs energy to survive, or better than the calories ingested. For the body muscle mass is a considerable energy expenditure and therefore does everything possible to reduce it. No coincidence that the basal metabolic rate (amount of calories burned in 24 hours by the body for survival) is directly proportional to muscle mass. The more muscle you have, the higher the basal metabolic rate and more calories burned.

Returning to the theme of this article, the more the sweet low-calorie diet have reduced substantially walk your weight by consuming most of the muscles. Since the latter, as we mentioned before, are directly proportional to basal metabolic rate, your body will be in a real structure of war, or try to burn fewer calories and store more fat to survive (a little curiosity: you know anorexics have an almost equal percentage of fat to obese people?).
Drawing the conclusions, you will after a year or more (these mistakes at a young age are absorbed by a body able to support all the “horrors” that impressive, but sooner or later, will present the bill) to possess high percentage of fat and eat like ants, and add any food, even the most healthy, will make you fat. All this happens because we want immediate results, we do not care what might happen tomorrow or receives damage our health, the important thing is to lose weight.
I never tire of repeating: “We must correct our eating habits without subjecting us to senseless stupid diets.” If you join a diet intelligent smart training, the results can only be amplified.

In this regard, let me advise you on the Physical Culture. This choice is not given by my passion for the sport but for the many studies I’ve read and that led me, always, to the same conclusion. You still have the kindness and patience to follow my reasoning: If a mildly hypocaloric diet interspersed with a little aerobics’ weights, we can sustain or even increase muscle mass. This slight increase in muscle will allow us later to raise the basal metabolic rate as we have said is directly proportional to muscle mass.
Certainly the process is much slower, compared with only aerobic exercise but:
1) You will lose more fat
2) Do not lose your precious muscle mass as well as give you a nice look you need to raise the basal metabolic rate.
3) After you put even a single pound of muscle you can eat more without fear of gaining weight.
4) The more time passes, the more your body will become active allowing you to satisfy your taste buds with all those foods that previously were strictly prohibited (with some adroitness).

Become virtually the opposite of those people to lose weight in the shortest possible time, have followed a low calorie diet without thought to their muscle tone, and now they must give up all those dishes that are coveted and, moreover, are found with pounds of body fat more. You might answer that the muscles do not like. I also agree with you, but you should be aware that increasing muscle mass is difficult for all the guys like me who follow a high-calorie diet, hormonal status have a positive (given the young age), using food supplements , let alone people who follow a low calorie diet. So do not be afraid: invest in your body!


The article contains information that comes from my experience and my tests.

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