Infertility: An Unspoken Struggle, Still

You may be reading this and relating on a personal level. A silent struggle, “why me?”. It could be your close friend, sister or even a brother. Infertility affects everyone in some way. Staying positive was the only way I could get through the hardest test in my life.

As a girl, I was told getting pregnant can happen so easily. So naturally, when I was married and ready for it to happen, I expected it to quickly. A year went by, month after month of waiting for a “surprise”. For all you (TTC) trying to conceive, you start thinking in short hand. (AF) Aunt Flow arrived yet again. I started wondering what could be wrong. Apparently, alot. I dreaded that it could be me. Yet I wouldn’t wish that burden on (DH) Dear Hubby that maybe it was him. (MFI) Male Factor Infertility is a 50/50 chance, him or me, or I couldn’t imagine it could be both of us!

It was me. Women have many possible obstacles. PCOS, Endometriosis, Fibroids, Low Ovarian Reserve. Endless blood work, ultrasounds and (CD) Cycle Day counting. I have PCOS, Poly-cystic Ovary Syndrome. I have high testosterone and insulin resistance which prevented me from ovulating naturally. Finding support on message boards let me know I wasn’t alone. Every case of infertility is different yet every case seems impossible at one point or another. And when you finally see that (BFP) Big Fat Postive on a (HPT) Home Pregnancy Test, you still worry for the worst.

Let me tell you, there is hope. After 4 years of an emotional roller coaster, monthly blood work and ultrasounds, suffering a miscarriage and thinking there is nothing worse in the world, there is hope. You are not alone in any of this. You can get through this. I am that hope you are all longing for. Stay strong.

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