
The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself. – Benjamin Franklin

Have you ever stopped to reflect on the power of that statement? The pursuit of happiness is our constitutional right, yet being happy is our responsibility. Wow! I keep reading that over and over, it is my responsibility. It took me a long time to comprehend the myriad dimensions of happiness; joy, ecstasy, nirvana, glee, euphoria, acceptance, godliness, holiness, mystical, spirituality and felicity.

My attitude toward every event in my life either contributes to or detracts from my happiness. When my cup is full and I am grateful for what I have, I am in a joyful space and know a happiness I only dreamed of. When I am in a foul, whining, ungrateful, complaining, dis-eased mode, there is nothing or no one that can fulfill me as I have abandoned myself. I have been in both and it is highly likely that I will continue to experience both. I pray daily that God as I understand God will show me the way to happiness today. If I can remove myself from the steering wheel long enough, I will usually find a pathway to joy.

I live in a free country that has guaranteed me the right to be happy and has provided me with the opportunity to become happy. How fortunate I am to live in a land that gives me the right, allows me the opportunity and permits me to find a God of my understanding while pursuing my happiness.

My prayer for you today is that you fulfill the God given right you have been given and find your happiness as you choose.

Modern and independent Rabbi with an MSW Degree and 23 years of sobriety providing addiction counseling focusing on healing, spiritual guidance and personalized life cycle events. If you, a family member or friend are suffering, call me at 954-755-3764 to get the help you deserve.

Hugs and blessings for a joyous day!

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