Feng Shui for the Rest of Us: Lighting

Lighting is essential to maintaining proper Chi in your home. Both natural and artificial light can be beneficial in balancing the flow of energy, both by lighting a room effectively and by illuminating objects to obtain the intended effect.

In general, lighting should be about the same intensity in all rooms to allow a free flow of energy throughout the home. Within a room, light should flow from both sides. Light from one side creates dark corners and an uneasy feeling. Natural light is usually best because it includes the full color spectrum of sunbeams. However, in places where the sun shines directly in a window, soft coverings are needed to subdue the glare. Overhead artificial lighting should be subdued or recessed if at all possible. Chandeliers as lighting are oppresive because of their bulkiness, whereas lamps are preferable because of their softness. An upward facing lamp will wash out the darkness of a sharp corner. Illuminating a picture on a hallway wall will add energy to the narrow space.

Light is generally a Yang attribute, encouraging energy, while darkness is a Yin attribute, so adjustments to lighting may be needed in a very Yang or a very Yin room. In an extremely Yang (busy) area, it may be beneficial to tone down lighting in order to ground energy a bit. In a Yin room, more light may be needed. Candles will be helpful here, especially if the room allows for little sunlight. They add Yang qualities and lessen the heaviness of a space. To encourage Yin in a room, use soft lighting, downward facing lights, and heavier window coverings. To foster a Yang environment, allow natural light to flow using light window coverings, or if not possible, use overhead or upward pointing lights to bring in energy.

Sunbursts have great energy and indicate potential and forward movement. Without allowing the glare we spoke of before, illuminating a room with a burst of light adds the Fire Element and will energize a moving space.

Diamonds have a shape that introduces radiance to a space. Having a diamond shaped panel in a window helps bring in light and energy. Diamonds integrated into any decor will likewise indicate lightness and energy.

Crystals likewise, reflect the multicolored light of rainbows, and aside from their use as a general charm or cure for balancing Chi, you can boost light and energy in a room by hanging one from a thread in a window.

Feng Shui Chic, by Sharon Stasney

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