Easy Ways to Stop Static Cling

Ever taken your clothes out of the dryer or put on a shirt and feel the painful zap of static electricity? I hate it too and unfortunately have experience on more than one occasion, so here are a few easy tricks that are great for stopping static cling.

1. Fight static in the dryer with a couple of tennis balls.
To fight static cling, you have to start when your clothes are in the dryer. What I like to do is toss a few new tennis balls in with my laundry and as the dryer tumbles on low heat, the balls keep the clothes from bunching together. So when the clothes come out, there is no static! Another way you can prevent static is by adding a small amount of white vinegar to the wash cycle, when preparing to wash clothes. White vinegar not only makes clothes softer, it also removes magnetic properties which means less static.

2. Use a small safety pin to keep clothes static free.
Another easy way you can stop static cling is by attaching a small safety pin anywhere on the inside of your shirt. The metal prevents a static charge from building up, which will keep you and your clothes cling-free.

3. Hairspray can remove static cling from hair.
Its always embarrassing when you look in the mirror and realize a big piece of your hair is sticking straight up in the air. So to prevent this from happening, I give my hairbrush a quick blast of hairspray in the morning before I start brushing my hair. The spray wont interfere with any style you’re trying to achieve but it will tame static for the rest of the day. If you don’t have any hairspray on hand, any type of hair product that you can spray on to your brush will usually work.

4. Rub lotion to keep pants from clinging to legs.
To keep your pants from clinging to your legs, rub a little bit of lotion between your hands and then smooth them over your legs. The static will disappear like magic. I’ve been doing this trick for years and it always works like a charm. Its also great trick to do in the summertime when the heat tends to make clothes stick to skin.

Static cling can be very annoying and painful, so hopefully these tricks will help you keep your clothes static free.

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