Dandruff and Dry Scalp Remedies

Everyone wants healthy, beautiful hair. But like everything else, you need a solid foundation. A healthy scalp will help you have beautiful healthy hair. Here are some basic remedies for dealing with minor scalp issues. If you have a serious scalp condition, it is best to consult with a doctor for help. Some conditions might be warning signs of other illnesses that only a medical professional can accurately diagnose.

Several herbs can also give relief from dandruff, hair loss, itchiness and dry skin. They tend to do best when added to a compatible wash, rinse or as a tea as a final rinse before styling. These herbs include burdock, horsetail, red clover, rosemary and birch leaves. Oils made from burdock root, rosemary, St John’s wort, lavender, calamus and tea tree can also be added to your wash, final rinse or scalp massage oil. Just remember that when dealing with any herbs and essential oils that less is more. Start off with small amounts, and remember to test of allergies before using in any significant amounts. A yarrow rinse can relieve a dry, itchy scalp. It should be used as a rinse after your hair is cleansed and conditioned as per your normal routine. The stinging nettle rub can be used to treat dandruff and sebum imbalance. You can use the mixture as a scalp massage or as an additive to shampoo or shampoo bars.

Yarrow Rinse
1 part yarrow hydrolate
1 part apple cider vinegar
2 parts water

1. Combine the ingredients on a container. Let the blend sit for around two minutes.
2. Massage the blend into your scalp and let sit for a few minutes.
3. Rinse your hair with cool water.
4. Dry and style as normal.

Stinging Nettle Rub
Stinging nettle roots (amount will depend on size of bottle)
Alcohol (rye whiskey or vodka are most common)

1. Fill a bottle with chopped stinging nettle roots. If you dig these up yourself, it is best to do so in the spring or fall and clean them with a brush.
2. Fill remaining space in the bottle with rye whisky or vodka.
3. Set the bottle in a warm place and leave alone for two weeks.
4. When two weeks has passed, strain the tincture. It is now ready for use as you see fit.

Rose Water and Nettles Hair Scalp Rinse
Fresh sprigs of stinging nettle or 1/4 cup dried stinging nettle
1 Cup of water
1 teaspoon of rose water

1. Heat the cup of water until it is almost boiling.
2. Pour the hot water pour over nettles.
3. Let combination steep for ten to twenty minutes.
4. Strain the mixture and store the resulting liquid in an applicator bottle.
5. Add rose water to the applicator bottle and let blend cool.
6. Use mixture on your hair and scalp after washing.

Rose Water and ACV Hair and Scalp Rinse
1 teaspoon of rose water
½ teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar (ACV)
4 ounces of filtered or purified water

1. Pour all of the ingredients into an applicator bottle, mister, or spray bottle.
2. Shake the bottle well and apply the mixture to scalp.
3. Massage vigorously making sure the mixture is evenly distributed.
4. Let the mixture sit and work for two to 10 minutes.
5. Rinse well then style as usual. Left over mix will last in the refrigerator for up to three days.

As with any home remedies, remember that strength can vary depending on the ingredients. Be cautious when using anything for the first time. I suggest starting very small, and testing anything on a small area before diving into a new routine. Everyone reacts a little differently to herbs and oils, so what works wonderfully for one group of people might cause less stellar results or even allergic reactions in others. So, start small and see what you like and what works for you before spending money on large quantities of anything.

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