Create a Snow Day Craft Box and Create These Fun Crafts

Snow days don’t have to be stressful when the natives get restless if you are prepared! Get a cardboard box with a lid. Fill the box with construction paper, cold glue sticks, hot glue gun and sticks, white glue, scissors, tape,cotton balls, scraps of wrapping paper, felt, several colors of tissue paper, chenille wires (pipe cleaners) crayons, tempera paint, colored pencils, drawing pencils, markers and glitter. Also stock the box with old magazines and calendars.

Here are three projects that will entertain children 5-14.

Create a primitive style painting/collage. Begin by researching Grandma Moses and get a feel for her charming art work. You will need light blue and white construction paper, tempera paint in all colors. Make sure you have plenty of white. You will also need a cold Glue stick, glitter, and scissors along with pictures of animals and people.

Paint two thirds of the blue paper white and sprinkle it lightly with glitter. Shake off the excess. On the white paper draw very simple pictures of houses, barns, churches, etc. paint them bright colors. Trace and paint the animals and people onto the white paper. Carefully cut out houses , animals and people. Arrange them the way you want then glue them to the glittery white paper. Run the glue stick lightly over the houses and sprinkle them with glitter. Give your painting a title and sign it.

Sparkling snow votive cup Get a small juice glass, colored tissue paper, white glue, silver glitter and Kosher salt. Brush the glass with white glue and lay down one layer of small pieces of tissue paper. Mix the glitter and salt together and put it on a cookie sheet. Roll the still wet glass through the salt mixture. Shake off as much of the excess as possible. Drop a tea light candle into the glass and enjoy.

Make your own snow storm inside the house with a fun snow globe. Any small jar with a screw on lid i.e. baby food, pimento, etc. You will need glitter, baby oil, hot glue, a tiny toy such as an animal or doll. Turn jar upright and drop in about two table spoons of glitter. Fill the jar to where the top of the jar starts to curve with baby oil. Hot glue the figure to inside of lid, hot glue the lid shut and cover it with felt to cover writing.

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