CELL PHONES – Who Cares Who Called

Ok, yes, this is going to be a gripe fest. I realize some people have plenty of complaints about cell phones and cell phone users. Well, throw me in with the crowd, because so do I. This is what I want to know, why are people with cell phones so hard pressed to receive a call? Is it that big of a deal to have a conversation when you’re outside of your home just because you want to show off the fact that you have a cell phone? Shouldn’t we be past that narcissistic phase, “Look at me, I’m special I have a cell phone and I want everybody to see me talking on it.” Haven’t figured out what I’m trying to inveigh? Alrighty, let me share some examples.

Lets say you accidentally dial the wrong number, a few minutes later you receive a call back from that number. You answer and you hear someone say……….

“You just called me?” Or maybe some ignoramus with less etiquette, “Duh…Who’s this?” “Did you just call me?” Let’s look at another scenario – you’re at work, your phone rings, you answer by saying Hello and announce the name of the company, in reply you hear the caller say “This number was on my phone?” “Why did you call my number?” “Who are you trying to call?”…blah….blah…blah!

OMG…Why? Don’t you think if someone was trying to reach you by phone, (knowing that you have a phone) they would certainly be able to get a hold of you? Most all phones come equipped with voice mail. Did you ever stop to think that you should probably check your messages before you do a call back, just to ask annoying stupid questions about who just called you? What is all the anxiety about? Why is it so imperative to call every number that shows up on your cell phone?

What the heck are you expecting when you dial that unrecognized number? Is it like solving a mystery? Do you think someone is spying on you? Maybe you have something to hide? Could someone be playing a trick on you and you just have to find out who it is? Whatever the reason may be, I certainly hope that with time, people learn to relax and stop being so anal about who’s calling their cell phone. This certainly wasn’t an issue when the only communication lines were land lines. Cell phones are great, if their used for the purpose for which they were intended. But come on people, try and show some intelligence. You’re not missing a thing, move on with your life and place importance where it should be. Nine times out of ten, the call was just a wrong number anyway!

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