An Ode to Objective Family Relationship

This is a poem representing the thoughts of an honest and rational Mind of a Son that decided to unveil its mask of hypocrisy and emotionalism. It instead chose to come forth with its own rational beliefs, thereby seeking genuine closeness with his family. It expresses the true feelings of a Son and how he chooses to come closer to his family.

The intention is not to hurt anyone’s feelings, but only to state your own firmly and wisely. It regards family as an important institution, albeit, the individuality and freedom of each member is given due respect. This concept is based on the premise that happiness cannot be achieved under the pressure of fear or any form of guilt carried as a baggage on one’s shoulders. It needs a free and objective Mind to attain true happiness and honest relationships.

Dear Parents,

I am born through you,
But I’m not a part of you
You see your reflection in my eyes,
But I do not represent you

I respect the sanctity of your feelings,
I revere your unmatched love
I’m aware of your beliefs and values,
And I place you at a pedestal high above

Teach me, but let me learn on my own
Guide me, but let me find my own course
Praise me, but let me know my limitations
Scold me, but never let me fear being honest to you

Wish me luck even as you sleep,
But do not dream on my behalf
Aspire for my happy life,
But do not live on my behalf

For I am yours, but I do not belong to you
I treasure you, but I value my own beliefs
Exalt yourself as you watch me fly high
Believe in me and let me hear your proud sigh!

– Your loving Son

This is just an example to illustrate how we carry a lot of unwanted burden of fear and guilt. And it is this burden that makes dishonest and hypocrite. We try and seek happiness by burying our rational emotions. This might get us some short-lived comforts, but not true happiness. What one needs to understand is that the search of happiness must begin with courage. The strength to stand by your individual self.

I am now going pose certain questions, just so you can apply these thoughts specifically to your individual self.

There is no one, but you, who’s going to asses your answers. And remember, no one but YOU would benefit from your honest answers. So if you really love yourself, be honest and think about your answers. And think how honest Mind you are.

Q1: When you decide on a course of action for your life, what is the most important thing you consider?
a) Your potential and talent
b) Your family’s happiness
c) Your face value in the society

Q2: What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of ‘family-bonding’?

Q3: Do you think it is important that all members of a family should essentially have the same beliefs and values?
a) Yes
b) No

Q4: Do you think some of your decisions are a result of the ‘unwanted-unearned’ burden of fear or guilt of hurting your family members?
a) Yes
b) No

Q5: If, for a moment, you let go of the biological connect with your parents, do you think you would still value and respect ‘the individual’ you see in them?
a) Yes
b) No

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