A Word About Honey

I absolutely love honey. It is easily my favorite kind of sugar. I’ve always wondered if honey is as fattening as other sugars. After all, it is an all-natural sugar, so how bad can it be for you? Fruits contain large amounts of sugar (fructose) but because it’s all-natural, it doesn’t have the same effects on the body as refined sugars.

So, I decided to do an experiment. I decided to replace all other sugars in my diet with honey. It is said that Bruce Lee’s favorite drink was green tea and royal jelly, and we all know how lean Bruce was. Now, I don’t eat much sugar in general, but what I decided to do is just use honey whenever I need to sweeten something instead of sugar or artificial sweeteners.

I put honey in my coffee, in my tea, on sandwiches, etc… I basically put honey on anything that I think it will taste good on, which is pretty much everything. Since I began doing this about two months ago, I’ve been watching my gut like a hawk to see if I’m packing on any extra fat. I haven’t made any other changes to my diet or my exercise regimen, just more honey.

Well, like I said, it’s been about two months and my waist looks the same. I haven’t put on any extra body fat that I can detect. It is like my body is just completely ignoring the honey. Either that, or it’s making awesome use of it. All in all, it would seem I have discovered yet another reason to love honey.

Just for good measure, here’s a little fun fact about honey. Honey has an unbelievable shelf life. It is believed that honey will keep for up to 2,000 years or more. Take that, Twinkies!

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