7 Steps to a Successful Future

Decisions, decisions. How many people can sit there and say that they don’t have to make decisions every single day? The future is what brings you to become a better person day by day. The authority to be able to change your life is something that many people don’t understand about having that opportunity as a human being.

To become a person that better understands themselves mean that they need to recognize who they are right now and where they are in life. When understanding that part, you then realize how you got there and what path you decided to take. When realizing that, you then make the decision of if your happy or if your unhappy. Thus resulting in many different emotions such as, regretting the path you chosen to take, regretting the people you chosen to associate yourself with, and regretting the decisions you chose to acknowledge. This can cause you depression, anxiety, and lack of sleep. However, the first step to improving your life is to acknowledge where your life is at this point in time.

Once acknowledging where you are in the present you then need to understand what steps you should take to improve it. Although some step’s do sound cliché, they are most definitely true. If everybody is going around saying, when you fall and fail at something you tried to achieve, in order to overcome it you need to get back up and dust yourself off and try again, then chances are it must be true.

After recognizing where you are in life and how you don’t approve of it, you must then get the courage to change it. Courage is a big step in everybody’s decisions to change their life. You need the courage that you can do it, weather or not everybody else is looking at you like a failure due to the decisions you’ve made in the past. You need the courage to tell yourself everyday that you can achieve the obstacles that are thrown at you. You need the courage to never give up.

The reason I stress courage to you is because life is not easy. When you want something or you want to get somewhere in life, it’s not going to be handed to you on silver platter. Although it sounds extremely perfect. It’s not going to happen, and I do apologize for being the barer of bad news.

This is an example on when thing’s get tough. I know many people who sit there and say that there going to go back to school. Unfortunately they’ve been repeating this for about 3 years now. If you say your going to do something then do it. They still haven’t to this day, because it got tough for them. Going to school means, losing hours at work, or losing free time. It mean’s going to the school and registering and talking to new people about what you want to do, taking test’s, completing homework, etc. This can sound like a lot of thing’s you need to do, because the truth is, it is. But allowing yourself to give up just because it sounds like a lot, is what I like to call, taking the easy way out, giving up and settling.

Self confidence is key when it comes to bettering your life. If everyone is looking at you like your never going to get anywhere in life, because you haven’t done anything so far. Use that as a motivational tool to push yourself to success. Let them talk all they want and keep using that negative feed back from them. It will definitely help you to strive even more then you already are. The key is stop being sensitive as to what people are saying to you and use it to push yourself.

Personally I know many people who don’t believe in my writing, because many people didn’t know that I love to write. So of course when they found out that I wanted to become a writer, there feed back was a little negative. I then decided to take that negative feedback and use it to my advantage. Remember you control what you believe and don’t believe. I believe that everything they said what nonsense and I used to it to push myself to success. When doing this you create a force field, where nobody can touch you and the more negative thing’s people say to you the more stronger you become.

Remember there will always be obstacles to try and throw you off your path. Don’t give in. These obstacles are a way to make a stronger you. They are there for you to use and control. Everything in your life is something you can control. That is the number one thing you must never forget. You can achieve what you want to achieve if you believe you can. If you sit there and dwell on the decisions you’ve made in the past and don’t do anything to change it, then you will never succeed. Try to remember that talk is cheap and words can only go so far.

Your decision to better yourself is only the first step in actually doing it. You must follow what you say. Write it down everyday if you have to. Put it on a big poster in your room, so when you wake up you can read what you promised yourself you were going to do. Stay positive. Staying positive can help you when thing’s get tough. Becoming negative is like taking a step back. You are your biggest competitor. If you don’t believe in yourself then your path of trying to better your life, will fail. Remember your the only one in your life that can actually do what you say your going to do. So always stay positive even when one of those hard days come through. Everybody get’s day’s where they feel like what there doing is a joke, or where they feel that there not where they expected to be at that moment. Remember life is tough, and achieving your goal is not going to happen overnight.

Becoming successful is one of the sweetest taste you will get the pleasure of experiencing. You must never sell yourself short. Every step you take and accomplish is a success. For example. I wanted to become a writer. So I decided to write articles for yahoo.com. I then tried and tried to get my article published and when I finally did I was extremely happy. It was amazing to feel such an accomplishment. Although it’s not my main goal. It was a step towards my goal, and that is what makes your success sweet.

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