Yes, You Can Pray in School

It appears to me the conceived picture of prayer in school is a teacher having all her students bow their heads as she leads them in a prayer. Or maybe the prayer is made over the intercom at the beginning of a school day.

Many of my generation decry the decline of America and one of the evidences is the lack of prayer in the school. Yet, in my years of school from 1958 to 1970, never once did a teacher lead us in prayer in the classroom. Prayer in school must then go back to the days of he one room rural schoolhouse.
To define prayer in school, let us begin with the definition of prayer. Simply defined, prayer is our conversation with God. I believe that communication can take place anywhere and however we want. I can do it at work, at home, or driving in a car. Jesus said not to be like the tax collector who stood in a public place praying so that everyone could hear him. Rather we are to go into the prayer closet where we can communicate in private and God hears us.

By its very definition, prayer has not been banned in the school. Since my prayers are between God and I, permission to pray is not needed from some teacher or school official. In my days of school, I prayed before tests asking that I might recall what I had learned. I also prayed for safety in athletic events and that we might display sportmanship. God has not left the classroom and he did answer my prayers.
Imagine with me if our school system should return to the “ideal” form of prayer in the schools. What would be the source of prayers used? Who would write them and what criteria would be used for approval? Would they be Buddhist, Hindu, Islam, Christian, Catholic, Protestant, or anything else? Who would take part and who would be offended?

No, God has not left the classroom and neither has prayer. Our children and grandchildren have been taught how to pray and they can do it whenever and wherever they want to. Prayer still is communicating with God and He is still listening.

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