Working in a Box

These days, offices consist of a world of cubicles. Cubicles become your home away from home. Many office workers spend more time in their cubicle than anywhere else. When you spend so much time somewhere, you want it to be an appealing environment. How can you make your cubicle a welcoming and peaceful place?

Taste of Home
One of the best ways to make your cubicle comfortable is to bring in a taste of your home. Whether it’s pictures, your favorite pens, fancy thumbtacks or anything else, bring something in that reminds you of home. If you’re allowed, you can even add your own picture to your computer desktop background. Anything you can do to bring your home into work with you will help you feel better at work.

Calming Objects
You can also try to bring things in that help you feel calm. You could post a copy of a poem or a piece of art you find peaceful or comforting. You could bring in some sort of toy or trinket that you can use to calm down. Many employers allow a quiet radio or a personal music player. You can even check with the people around you to see if you can use an air freshener with a calming scent. Try to find some sort of relaxing thing to keep in your cubicle to bring you peace.

Important Information
If there are any pieces of information you refer to often, post them in your cubicle or create a binder with that information. This can help you keep your cubicle cleaner and more organized. Chances are that having a more organized work space will help you feel happier in your job. Plus, this will have the added benefit of helping you get to the information you need more quickly.

The best way to feel at peace in your cubicle is to make it your own. When someone comes up to your cubicle, do they know who it belongs to? Or when they look, could it be anyone’s at all? Lay claim to your space and make sure people can tell it’s yours. Post your name, put up pictures you bring in from home in obvious places or do anything else you can to show your personality. What better way is there to enjoy your space than to customize it to fit yourself?

Your cubicle, though it is a place for work, can still be a comfortable and peaceful place. Check with your employer to see how you can make your space a fitting place for yourself. Establish you own box in a world of cubes.

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