Wilderness Survival: Condom Canteen

It’s real danger every time you take off on a hunting trip, go hiking in the wilderness, or otherwise spend time in the great outdoors. You never know what can happen. You could fall and be badly injured; your canoe could tip over and you could lose all of your supplies. Maybe you walk away from the group for a minute and suddenly realize you’re completely lost. Whatever the scenario, a person can be in a serious situation in a split second. If you’re stranded, and you’re waiting for help, or you’re unable to help yourself, there are many concerns right away. You have to worry about wild animals, insects, food, and water. Food and water, of course, are priorities. Without them you likely won’t survive.

Let’s talk about water for a minute. You might be lucky enough to find a water supply but maybe there are issues about that location. For instance, you could find a body of water, but see signs where bears have been using the area as a dining room. Or, maybe you’re in an area where there are alligators or crocodiles. If you find water, but you can’t really stay there, you’ll need to get some quickly and leave. No canteen? Nothing you can use to hold water? Look no further than your wallet!

If, like many guys, you carry a condom in your wallet, you’re lucky in a survival situation. A condom can easily become a canteen by which you can carry water, even if it is a small amount. Got more than one condom? Even better! Unwrap the condom, fill it up with water, but leave a small, empty place, at the top. Tie the top in a knot and you can carry the condom with you. You can make that even easier if you happen to have an extra shoestring or piece of cord. Tie the cord around the top of the condom and you can hang it on your belt or even carry it over your shoulder.

To drink out of the condom, untie the knot, and drink from the opening. Or, leave the knot intact and make a couple of pin pricks – or a knife poke – right at the end of the condom. Drinking from a condom – wow, you never thought you’d do that! In an emergency situation, though, it could be the only way you have to carry some water with you until you’re rescued.
Source: Discovery Channel’s Man, Woman, Wild

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