What Type of Degree Can My Life Experience Get Me?

If you are looking into a traditional college perhaps those valuable life experiences won’t get you any type of degree. Some traditional colleges do offer a few credits towards a college degree but they will be minimal in comparison to one of the life experience degrees offered by many online universities. Life experiences degrees are those college degrees which are awarded for your extensive knowledge you acquired as you made you way successfully through life.

The PhD Online Degree

You don’t have to have a Master’s degree to be awarded a PhD but you will have to have substantial documented life experience and scholarly thesis. Your life experiences will be assessed to determine how much you have accomplished toward your master’s degree course of study. There are some schools that offer an online PhD degree based on your life experiences but Almeda University requires specific requirements to be awarded a PhD of Business or Theology. In most instances, you need approximately 2 – 5 years life experience and 10 years of well documented related experience.

The Online Master Degree

You can be awarded a masters degree from many online universities if you submit their application which will include all of the experience you have acquired including any trade schools or other professional training classes, your military service and any professional licenses and licenses you have gained. These online universities will offer a wide range of degrees such as business administration which would award you a MBA. Perhaps a Master of Theology or MD in counseling or bible studies would fit with your background. Or perhaps a MA or Master of Arts in the field of healthcare administration would fit with your life experience and you can achieve one of the life experience degrees.

The Online Bachelors Degree

This is another of the online degrees which are under the umbrella of life experience degrees offered by some online universities. They offer a wide choice of degrees such as business, the arts, commerce and social work to name a few examples.

The Online Associate Degree

This is another of the life experiences degrees you can be awarded from one of the fine online college degree universities. The associate degrees might be in the fields of arts and humanities or science and math and are intended to provide you a realistic cost for obtaining the degree plus greater flexibility in completing the programs such as criminal justice.

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