Use of Prayer to Repair a Horse Corral

Panic struck me when my horses opened the gate

Immediately I knew I was in trouble when one of my horses opened the corral gate with their nose. They did not hear the usual “beep-beep” of the electric fencing so they decided to try the gate out. Luckily we had fenced in the flat area of our land around the property even before putting the corral fencing up. I was still terrified because none of the electric fencing was working and it would not be long before they figured out how to open the fence around the property and end up in our neighbor’s yard eating apples. I was all by myself and had little time to make a decision as to what I should do.

I asked God to direct me to the right supplies needed.

Well, this is what I call one of my little miracles because shortly after praying I was able to find everything needed.

1. A Philips screwdriver 2. A flat head screwdriver 3. Wire cutters 4. Square metal connectors with which to slide the broken ends of the fencing through 5. Boots, gloves and warm clothing needed to trudge through 4 feet of snow. 6. A new wire fencing box 7. T post hammer 8. T posts

Praise the Lord I had everything needed to make the repairs

I then after another quick SOS prayer proceeded to trudge through four foot of snow to fix any breaks in the electric braided corral fence. After about 2 hours, I finally made it back to the barn to turn the electric on again. To my dismay the fence still did not work. Another prayer of desperation brought to remembrance that we had a 2nd electric fence box which we had not used yet. I just happened to know where that was and still feeling quite unsure of myself, I took off the old box that I believed to be no longer working. I made sure to make a mental note as to how the wiring was fed into the connectors of the box and then preceded to install the new box. After doing this, I plugged the extension cord into the electric outlet! Wow! I did it! The ticking sound of the electric fence was music to my ears!

It was time to face my fear of horses

Facing my fear and praying constantly I managed to lead the horses back into the coral luring them with apples. Finally I felt safe again knowing that my horses were once again in the corral and the electric fencing was working. The horses had access to the barn from the corral so that they could go inside their stalls if it got too cold.

What I learned from this.

I learned that even though I was all alone and had neither the time nor opportunity to call someone I could always rely on my heavenly Father to get me through my fears.

I wrote another article called “We owned horses” which explains why I had a fear of being left alone with the horses.

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