Tuesdays with Mitch

Born on May 23, 1958 (1) Mitch Albom is known for his love of music, his sports journalism, his philantrhropy and his novel wiriting. Currently, he has four novels in publication. (2) Albom’s books introduce and cover very personal yet universal themes in such a way that makes you feel like you are sitting down with a cup of coffee and talking it all over with a friend. You will laugh with him, you will no doubt cry with him and what I like most is that you will definitely be challenged to think with him. It’s not a challenge that comes in a heavy, burdensome way however. It just comes to you as you invest in and relate to the characters. “Tuesdays With Morrie” is a particularly poignant book for me, probably because like the title character I am a teacher but also because I think the lessons taught in this book are so universal and speak to anyone acting under the illusion that they are an island unto themselves. In the story, Morrie Schwartz, Mitch Albom’s old college professor, is dying with Lou Gehrig’s disease. Mitch and Morrie begin meeting every Tuesday to spend time together before Morrie is gone. Through these meetings Mitch comes to a greater understanding that love is the most important thing there is and that to love IS to live. He also come to realize that sometimes we value things that shouldn’t be valued at all; that we cling to things we shouldn’t and consequently they bring us down and burden us. Lasty, he sees that too often we fall prey to popular culture which leads us away from the very thing we should be running towards – loving, accepting and communicating with others. Everytime I read one of his books I am reminded that we are all connected in some way or another and that often, particularly if our faith is tested, it is this very connection that renews us and our hope and strength in life.

1. http://mitchalbom.com/bio
2. Tuesdays With Morrie, The Five People You Meet In Heaven, For One More Day, and Have A Little Faith

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