Trim Your Waistline with Yoga Twisting Asanas

The waistline tends to be a problem for many people but there are easy ways to trim your waistline with popular yoga twisting asanas or poses right in the privacy of your home. Yoga asanas tend to focus on specific movements and concentrations towards various areas of the body. Having been a yoga practitioner for over 20 years, the benefits of the twisting asanas have personally proven their benefits in terms of spot reducing and strengthening in the waist and abdomen area.

Whether you are a commuter or sit at a computer all day the sedentary posture takes a toll on the middle section of your body. If you have never done yoga, you can enroll in classes at a local studio, or your can easily begin a home practice to begin the path to a trimmer waistline and stronger core. You can easily work in a home practice by dedicating just 30 minutes a day towards learning and perfecting the yoga asanas that are beneficial to your health.

A few of the more popular yoga asanas that trim the waistline include triangle, plank and boat. All are of various degrees of difficulties and where each gets better with practice, all of the above mentioned asanas can be done by beginners. All three asanas focus on the obliques and abdomen and with repeated practice trim the waistline while firming the abdomen area. The web site Live Strong offers detailed views and step-by-step instruction on how to do the poses.

In addition to trimming inches from your waistline and abdomen, according to Live Strong, twisting poses are also great for reducing stress, as well as helping to reduce abdominal bloating, as well as promoting cleansing of the body through toxin and metabolic waste elimination.

Incorporating the twisting yoga asanas into your daily life also are known for reducing stress when used with slow breathing. Additional benefits of these specific twisting yoga asanas are also known for opening up the muscles of the shoulders, chest and back. Twisting yoga asanas can also help reduce abdominal bloating and digestive discomfort.

Perform at least one twisting yoga pose a day to improve the health of your internal organs and to cleanse your body while trimming your waistline. Take the time to stretch and incorporate yoga into your daily routine towards improved health and wellness wile strengthening the abdomens and tightening the waistline. With a little bit of stretching and twisting yoga asanas you will gain not only a slimmer waistline but also reap the benefits of a more flexible, cleaner body.

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