Tips for Grandma when Toddler Babysitting

Keeping an active toddler happy for a few hours is not an easy task. The crucial part is remembering that the attention span is very short. You must plan ahead in order to have a happy visit from the child’s perspective as well as yours.

First of all, before the child arrives, clear the low tables and shelves of any items he cannot play with. Use a basket and place in another room. If they are in a basket it’s easy to replace the items later in one trip. Preparing the room ahead of time eliminates all the issues of saying NO and having a power struggle for several hours. It’s your responsibility to keep him and your belongings safe, not teach him life lessons.

Gather together several boxes of items he can play with. Fill one box with plastic items from the kitchen. Remember to keep it filled with items that he can’t put in his mouth. Stacking plastic bowls, plastic pitchers, cups, etc. Colorful is fun but completely unnecessary. He probably will play longest with the box itself. Show him how to stack the bowls and cups or build with them like blocks. Include a dish cloth or towel so he can “wash them”. Play for a few minutes and then let him play on his own. This is your fun time to watch him puzzle things out.

When he is bored with this, put them all back in the box and put it up. Bring out another box you have prepared. Perhaps a box of pillows that he can spread around and fall upon. Make them small enough that he can carry them around. He might stack them. A blanket to play peek a boo is fun. Sit on the floor with him and let him climb over you and the larger pillows. Each box should be cleared up before bringing out another box. Just rotate several boxes throughout the time he is there. He will forget about the items in the first box by the time he has finished examining all the items in the third one.

Snacks should be given, but clear them with his parent first. Many children have allergies these days that most didn’t when we had our own children. Fruit should be cut in very tiny pieces and this can be done ahead and kept in baggies in the fridge. Mix several kinds together on a plastic plate but not in the bag where they might get mushy. I recommend instead of a bib, an oversized tee shirt that covers all clothing is better. They are just messy eaters. When you pull it off you can wipe his mouth, hands, neck and feet with the shirt and toss it into the washer.

Take pictures with your phone, camera or toy camera. Even a child as young as one is a ham! They will smile for you and preen a little. They love the attention you are giving them and with a phone camera it’s easy to send mom a picture or two while she is away.

When (or if) the little one naps, rest but don’t fall asleep yourself. Have a cup of tea or coffee to keep you awake. You want to be on alert to him when he begins to wake up. A happy, smiling grandma greeting the little napper when he begins to stir around helps them wake up happy instead of crying. A drink after a nap is important. Hydrating them, especially if they are mouth breathers, is comforting.

Save books, singing and finger games until close to the time the parent is supposed to return. This will ensure that they will come home to a child who is not over excited and out of control. After all, you’re the expert!

Source: Personal Experience

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