The World Changed with 9-11

Ten years ago a group of fanatical, radical, and to many of us, crazy people changed the world as we knew it. Our world will never be the same. We will forever, deal with security measures, that before September 11TH, were only seen in movies, and read about in books. Think about it, for the last ten years, you have not been able to board a plane without taking off your shoes. You have been limited to what you could take with you, the size of it, and have even been subjected to groping by strangers, and mostly we have all submitted without protest. I have always thought, those kind of attacks could not happen again, Flight 93, would happen over and over again, if it was ever tried. But then, before 9-11, I never thought they would happen the first time.
The act brought against us that day, has cast us into the longest war in our country’s history. Finally this past summer, Osama Bin Laden was killed, without much of a fight. We have done what we went to do, to avenge a deed so unbelievable, but so real that our country will never be the same. Our persistence goes to show those who will act against us, we will continue to pursue, to hunt, to chase you, to the corners of the earth to get justice, you cannot hide.
The act of these terrorist, not only took lives, it started an economical slide, that has continued to hamper our country for the last ten years. Because, we as a society have expected everything to go back to the way it was before 9-11, we have struggled to recover. Wars cost so much, our soldiers are killed, leaving their families to go on without them, changing the lives of so many. Tax money we would not have spent, or at least would have been spent here in our own country for our own needs, has been used to fight not one, but two wars. Interest rates are up, gas prices are up, everything seems to be a mess. The right blames the left, the left blames the right, the center just wants to move on, we seem lost. The beginning of all of this started in a tent or a cave, with a few individuals sitting around discussing how to attack a country recognized as the best the world had to offer. In order to repair the damage, we too must be dedicated, motivated, and begin to believe in each other again.
We must leave behind the world we knew, realizing, hard work and a clear plan to our future is needed. No longer can we expect to just want it, and get it, without working hard to have it. So many of our young think they deserve it, whatever it is. We as a country have to realize what really happened that day ten years ago. We had spread ourselves thin, tried to be everything for everyone. We were given a wake up call, we had forgot our neighbors next door. We as a country , a society, can never go back to those days, we must lead and teach by example, to all who come behind us, hard work, moderation, and understanding of your fellow man, must be the foundation of our country. Fixing our problems, will take time and effort.
We must all join together, bring our troops home, take care of our own, reach out to help one another, instead of reaching out to receive handouts. Your only entitlement, should be your right to help yourself and others. Each and everyone of us must step up. IF YOU LEAD, THEY WILL FOLLOW.

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