The Game is On!

Of course, it was so simple! The Ancient Order of Knights Inc. was using the one of the oldest encryptions that we have; the Geocache Approach Methodology Enigma or as we called it; “The Game.” Oh, I had so much fun with this when I was at the Academy in my younger days! Let me explain how it works.

There is no formula for this as you would apply to solving other puzzles, encryptions, conundrums and riddles; but, it is really quite simple once you know the process and quite fun. It is so simple it has eluded the Forces of Darkness for thousands of years and they have yet to crack the code. You see, the Forces of Darkness think using a straight line cortex which is a byproduct of their simple evolution. And, of course we humans think using our vertical cortex, which allows us to solve problems and as they saying goes “think outside of the box.” So, how was I to solve this code?

First clue. The first clue was Queen Henrietta Maria. Since there is no reigning Queen Henrietta that in itself was the clue that we were using the Geocache Approach Methodology Enigma! So, knowing that there is no queen, her name was used to represent something else. In this case, the State of Maryland! That means I was to go to Maryland and begin my investigation. But, where in Maryland?

Clue Two. Since there are no other names in the message, the second clue is tougher to decipher. So, that in itself becomes the clue! See how tricky this would be if you were demon? The message was delivered by an owl. Owls can fly and hunt by night. They use the stars and moon to navigate. I needed help navigating. So, the night elements were the next clue.

Clue Three. There are too many stars to be a clue in this riddle, but the moon is singular in nature. That would be the next clue. In ancient lore, the moon was thought to be silver. Hence the term “under a silver moon.” By gosh! That’s it!

I quickly grabbed the phone and called 411. They are of course the best source of information in moments like these. I explained my predicament to the patient operator; mission to save human kind, must leave forthwith, looking for Silvermoon Maryland, etc. etc. It was quite the chore, and the operator was most troublesome this evening.

Of course, she politely informed me that no such place existed, which I of course informed her was incorrect. It was all in the message, and you see how I walked you through it, so you know as well as I do that it existed. I asked her to keep checking, and when she was unsuccessful she transferred me to her supervisor. Who I will say, was less patient than the first operator.

I was prepared to go to the next level, when the exasperated supervisor came across and informed that she had found no Silvermoon Maryland, but she had found the Silvermoon Café in Maryland? And, could that be what I was looking for?

I laughed so hard I dropped the phone. Oh, the Order had gotten me good this time! Of course, the Order is always teasing me about my fondness for eating and my girth, and now they had tied a message into my banqueting habits. They are quite the rascals!

I was going to the Silvermoon Café in Maryland!

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