The Easiest Turkey Gravy Ever

I’ve done crafts nearly as long as I can remember but some things, like drawing, I just couldn’t do well. I finally had to figure out shortcuts, like rolling a picture up inside a clear vase so I could replicate it, or painting around the outline of a coloring book page, and turning it face-down onto a shirt or other object to transfer the image. I love to cook, too, but gravy was never one of my specialties. I would try; I would put the grease in the skillet, sprinkle in the flour, pour in milk, and then dump the lumpy mess in the trash – again and again. I finally gave up on making that type of gravy but don’t think for a minute that it means my family and I won’t be having delicious gravy with our turkey and dressing this Thanksgiving. I just had to find a shortcut to the traditional gravy-making, and I did. This year, make the easiest turkey gravy ever, and no one will ever know your secret. They’ll just know that it’s some of the best gravy they’ve ever had.

Soup isn’t just soup anymore. You can combine soup with many other things to create main dishes, side dishes, and even snacks. With a can of cream of chicken soup, you can make a luscious gravy to go with the Thanksgiving dinner. It’ll taste great on the turkey, the dressing, and on mashed potatoes.

Open up a can of cream of chicken soup and heat it in the microwave or on the stove until hot. Drain some of the broth from the cooked turkey to add that delicious turkey flavor to the gravy. As you drain the broth it’s okay if some small pieces of turkey are included.

When you normally make soup, the instructions tell you to add water but, for the turkey gravy, you’ll replace the water with the broth. Just slowly stir in some of the broth until it’s the consistency you want for the gravy. It will likely take much less broth than is required when making soup with water.

Although there might be bits of turkey in the gravy, from where you drained the broth, you may still want to add more meat to it. Just take a piece of turkey and cut or tear it into smaller pieces, placing it in the gravy, and stirring well.

The turkey gravy is so easy to make and very delicious. Instead of cream of chicken soup you can also use cream of mushroom. Salt and pepper to taste then pour it over everything!

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