Sapphire Samurai on Windmonsters

I have mentioned that I feel my humans are very rude in not turning the rain off or make the temperature in the Out as comfortable as in the In. They should also find a way to turn off major windmosters.

I am quite cognizant of the changes of season, and I know that Windmoster season is right around the corner. Let me tell you, I do *not* look forward to it. It’s far to much for a kitty to handle, especially at my advanced age. Here are some of the problems I face:

Evil Leaves: To a certain extent, leaves are like cats. They shed. Unlike a cat, they shed all of their leaves into my yard. When the wind blows, these leaves chase me around and around. Then I have to turn around and pounce on them to make them stay still.

Petting Problems: I like to be petted on occasion, but not when the windmonsters are around. Somehow they tell my humans to throw sparkmonsters at me when they pet me. Have you ever had a spark on your nose? It is very uncomfortable, I can assure you.

Itchy Fur: Maybe it’s related to the sparkmonsters, but my fur gets very itchy. I have to find things to rub on to get my back furs comfortable. My female human is rather observant in this area…the she sure isn’t in all areas related to my personal comfort. She gets a special kitty brush which scratches those hard to reach spots on my back.

Loud Noises: Windmonsters seem to cause things to bang together. I can hear the metal gates clanging, and then those monsters make my whole house shake and shudder. I don’t like loud noises, particularly when I want to have a catnap.

Falling Objects: When the windmonsters blow, my avocado tree starts dropping things. My humans tell me they are avocados and that they taste good. Let me tell you that having one land next to my head is not something I enjoy. When that starts happening, I want in *now!*

My question goes back to the one about watermonsters. Why can’t these humans make it stop?

Human note: Santa Ana winds are very dry and can reach upwards of 60 miles an hour. Static electricity and itchy skin affects cat and human alike. We don’t let him on his lead much because things could land on him. These winds can intimidate a human as much as they do cats…

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