Now on DVD: The Tomb

Synopsis: A literary professor (Wes Bentley) becomes obsessed with a grad student named Ligeia (Sofya Skya). Ligeia is beautiful and exotic but she also has a secret; she is obsessed with being immortal and is stealing peoples’ souls in order to do it. The movie is inspired by an Edgar Allan Poe short story.

What I liked about this movie: Her obsession with immortality is an interesting one. She already has some mysterious ability to harvest souls and extend her life. But, she is sick and ultimately will die so she is trying to combine the magic with modern science in an effort to perfect the process.

Even though it is sometimes hard to follow, the movie is also a surprise love story. The professor is already engaged to another woman (played by Kaitlin Doubleday) and, even though he leaves her once under Ligeia’s control, he does ultimately realize the difference between what he is feeling and true love and makes every effort to correct the situation.

What I didn’t like about the movie: While the plot itself is somewhat interesting, the overall execution of the movie is pretty weak. As a result, the film is hard to follow at times and, overall, is extremely boring. As I have said a number of times before, boring never equals scary.

I also wasn’t a big fan of the ending both because it was very predictable and got to be a bit redundant (we get it, even if she’s dead, her soul can still possess other bodies).

The title is also very misleading. I’m not sure where the idea of naming this movie The Tomb came from, but, even though there is a tomb, it really doesn’t play any sort of major role in the film.

Final Opinion: The ending sets up a potential sequel. But, after seeing this film, I hope there is no effort to make one.

Average Netflix Grade: 2.7 stars out of a possible 5.

My Grade: 2 stars.

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