Now on DVD: House of Fears

Synopsis: A group of teenagers enter the new House of Fears for a sneak preview a few days before it opens to the public. Unfortunately for them, the attraction just got its latest addition; an African statue that kills people using their deepest, darkest fears.

What I liked about this movie: I had some doubts about this movie when we first started watching it but it turned out to be as creepy as advertised. This is a true psychological horror because the victims aren’t facing a random killer; they are facing things they are truly afraid of whether it’s a fear of suffocating or being afraid of clowns or scarecrows. Since my wife and I share a couple of the phobias in the movie, it was easy to relate.

Adding to the movie is the fact they are already in a ride/attraction that is designed to scare them. Whenever you see something, you have to ask yourself if it is something that is going to kill them or just part of the show. And the fact the building only has two exits (something that I would think would be a fire code violation) and they broke the lock on one of those only adds to the effect.

Another thing I liked about this movie is it doesn’t go overboard with the blood and gore. It manages to be scary without people being beheaded, baked in a microwave, etc.

What I didn’t like about this movie: Once it got going, this movie was pretty decent. However, like a lot of other movies I’ve seen recently, it does take a while for something to actually happen. It also doesn’t help that the so-called House of Fears really isn’t all that scary until there is something actually trying to kill them.

Final Opinion: It might sound a lot like a B-rated horror film but it is a movie that is worth saving for a stormy night.

Average Netflix Grade: 3.1 stars out of a possible 5.

My Grade: 4 stars.

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