Non Small Cell Carcinoma Treatments

Non small cell carcinoma is a malignant lung cancer that forms in the cells and tissues of the lung in the form of a lung tumor. Also called bronchial cancer, it may include the bronchi, which are tubes that go from the trachea to the lungs.

Types of Non Small Cell Lung Carcinoma

According to the National Cancer Institute, there are seven varieties of non small cell lung cancer. There are the less common forms of carcinoid tumors, pleomorphic, salivary gland, and unclassified carcinoma. The more common forms of this cancer are squamous cell carcinoma, large cell carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma.

Surgery Options

The four surgery options for this type of cancer include the wedge resection, lobectomy, pneumonectomy, and sleeve resection. The wedge resection removes the tumor and some of the tissue that surrounds it. A lobectomy removes the lung lobe where the cancer is. Pneumonectomy removes the whole lung. Sleeve resection is where a part of the bronchus is removed.

Radiation and Chemotherapy

Both radiation and chemotherapy are options for this type of cancer. The way that they are given is directly determined by the stage of the cancer and the type of small cell carcinoma that the cancer is.

Targeted and Laser Therapy

Targeted therapy is using drugs and similar treatments to attack specific cells. Some of these are monoclonal antibodies where immune system cell antibodies are infused into the body. They may include radioactive material to target cancer cells. Laser therapy uses lasers to kill the cancer cells.

Cryosurgery and Electrocautery

Electrocautery is a needle that is heated by electrical currents to destroy the cancer cells. Cryosurgery is the direct opposite; using a freezing instrument to destroy cancer cells by extreme cold. Both can eradicate abnormal tissue.


Another treatment, PDT, is photodynamic therapy. This uses laser lights and drugs to kill cancer cells. The drug is inactive until it hits the light that is put into the vein. There is little damage to the normal tissue that surrounds the cancer cells. They use this for superficial tumors or for internal organ linings.

These treatment options are just some of the options that the patient diagnosed with non small cell lung cancer will have available. Discussing your options with your healthcare provider can give you all your options as well as prognosis with each method.


National Cancer Institute

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