If Only Ben Bernanke Were Gay, Steve Deace Would Support Ron Paul

Steve Deace is a well-known Christian radio talk-show host in Iowa – a key pundit in that state for the Republican primary/caucus elections for President of the United States.

In case you’re unaware, the Federal Reserve – or simply “The Fed” – is the institution primarily responsible for the financial housing collapse, the dot-com stock market crash, and the Great Depression. Despite how much damage it has done to the economy, it is still in operation – such as all dysfunctional things run or supported by the government.

Apparently, the Fed imploding the economy and disintegrating the value of the dollar is not a real priority for Steve Deace. Instead, the problem for him is homosexuality and “mass debauchery.”

Steve wrongly thinks that being gay – a lifestyle that harms no one, and violates no federal law according to our founding documents – is a more serious problem than the Fed mass looting every American’s wealth since 1913.

“[The bible says] the sign of a culture under judgment has nothing to do with a debauched currency. The sign of a culture under judgment is debauchery mainstream,” says Steve Deace.

So if Ben Bernanke and everyone else at the Federal Reserve were having steamy, hot gay sex rather than counterfeiting the money supply, would Steve finally make the Federal Reserve a top concern?

When the economy self-destructs, the dollar has no purchasing power, and the people are rioting in the streets, like we saw in Egypt and Greece, the banning of gay marriage isn’t going to comfort many Christians.

Let’s treat this realistically: Will Steve care about other people’s sex lives when his fellow Christians’ savings are completely wiped out, or when they have little to no food to eat?

In response to Ron Paul successfully ending the Federal Reserve, Steve says, “you’ll have different people – just as debauched – creating a different system that’ll give you the exact same problem.”

Of course, this isn’t true. When Ron is president, he would try and take monetary policy out of the government’s hands, and allow for competition between currencies in the free-market. Debauched or not, politicians would have very little control over it. This would let Americans choose the currency that’s right for them – whether that’s gold, silver, or rolls of toilet paper with American presidents’ faces printed on them.

Using precious metals as currency would make it extremely difficult for “debauched politicians” to artificially inflate the money supply, or force Americans into using a currency based on monetized debt – especially if multiple currencies were in use simultaneously.

Steve contradicts himself further by saying, “you can’t have sound money without having sound character.” So if Newt Gingrich decided to buy his next mistress something at Tiffany’s and paid for it using gold bullion, he would not be using sound money Steve? Sound money and sound character are mutually exclusive things.

Steve goes on to say we must, “first recover our character and morality as a people.” How do we go about that Steve? Force everyone to follow the bible against their will – and then everything will be sunshine and lollypops? Say goodbye to our first amendment rights.

How about through the government? Well, it hasn’t stopped discrimination and racism. It hasn’t stopped prostitution. It hasn’t stopped the drug war and the consumption of alcohol. Instead, the government has made every single one of these areas in society much worse – and they are not even real crimes.

So, the government has been really lousy at legislating morality too. Not only that, all of these programs were violations of our rights to life, liberty and property – you know, the things everyone in our government took an oath to protect in the first place.

Steve needs to understand that individuals have free-will, and that morality is a choice. Dr. Paul can’t force individuals to be moral – nor would it be moral for him to even try. What Ron can do, however, is support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic – and that’s getting rid of the Fed.

Ron Paul succinctly says, “There is no greater threat to the security and prosperity of the United States today than the out-of-control, secretive Federal Reserve.”

Ron doesn’t come to this conclusion by reading the New Testament, even though he’s a Christian. Ron comes to this conclusion by using logic and reason and by following the Constitution. It would be un-American to swear an oath to anything else other than the Constitution.

Reason is our primary tool for survival and prosperity – and in 2012, America must demand that our next President of the United States use reason for once and follow to the Constitution, rather than rely on lobbyists, religious special interests, banks, and corporations to call the shots.

Steve should be ashamed of himself for insinuating that homosexuals don’t have the same rights as every other American. That’s why Dr. Ron Paul is so special. Ron Paul is for everyone’s freedom – he doesn’t pick and choose who’s freedom to protect in a way people like Steve Deace want.

Ron Paul is the only candidate in the race on either side of the isle that consistently uses logic, reason and the Constitution to establish his policies. I encourage you, please take a closer look at him and vote for him in your upcoming caucus or primary.

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