How to Make Your Own Rattlesnake Rattling Envelope

At one time or another you may have seen the “Rattlesnake Eggs” trick that involves opening an envelope despite danger warnings and giving you a fright when you feel and hear the buzz. You may turn flushed and drop the envelope thinking you may actually get bit by the venomous newly hatched creature inside.

The trick is relatively simple to put together if you want to make your own.

You’ll need an envelope, washer, two rubber bands, a piece of wire and markers or pens.

The markers or pens is for writing your own warning for “Rattlesnake Eggs” or you might even choose a variation like “Live Baby Rattlesnake Inside Open At Your Own Risk!” You can go with other things besides rattlesnakes that can attract attention such as “Venomous Scorpions Inside!” Or how about “Infectious Disease Carrying Bedbugs and Roaches!”

You can go for a more subtle approach and address the envelope to a specific person without any mention of rattlesnakes or other scary surprises. To the victim it will appear to be an envelope addressed to them. You might even add a stamp to make it look like mail. If you want to put your name and address in the return address you can do that to make it look more authentic but that might be something that would be best not to do unless you want to become the victim of a prank.

Now you’ll need to put together the part that makes the envelope rattle.

Take the two rubber bands and run the piece of wire through the center of the rubber bands so that the rubber bands are hanging on the piece of wire. Bend the piece of wire into a circle and twist the ends closed. Move each rubber band to the side of the circle. One rubber band should be on the left side and the other on the right. Take the washer and run each rubber band through its center making sure to tie each rubber band onto the washer. If you use a really strong glue you can glue each rubber band onto the washer or you can do both tying the rubber bands onto the washer and gluing them in place.

To make the rattlesnake sound you’ll have to twist the washer in a circle. As you wind the circle you will be winding the rubber bands. Keep your finger on the washer to keep it from unwinding and place it in the envelope. When the victim opens the envelope to pull it out the rubber bands will unwind and the washer will hit the envelope making a rattling sound.

Tip: Remember not to pull the wire in as you are twisting the washer. Keep the wire taut in the circle. If the wire bends in the rubber bands won’t be in their snap position to let the washer make much of a noise as they go to unwind.

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