How to Make a Cheap Date a Memorable Date

Many people are afraid of dating due to the perceived expense associated with it. They think it costs money to meet people. (Ie. dating site fees) They think it costs money to get to know them. (Ie. paying for dinner or theatre tickets) This can actually stop people from dating. This is a terrible state of affairs. As such, I have written this article to show you there are ways to meet and date people, without spending much money at all.

The first thing you need to do is meet people. If you don’t want to spend any money in this regard, you just need to go old fashioned. Say “Hi” to people you come across in every day life. Say hi to everyone. Get used to meeting new people in everyday life, saying hi and striking a conversation with them.

You can start this today. When you finish this article, go for a small walk, greet and converse with someone you walk past. The more you do this, the better a conversationalist you will become. You’ll also learn how to break the ice with all manner of people, strike a conversation and build rapport. These skills will come in handy when that attractive person walks by the next time. Because at that point, you’ll have the skills, so you will meet, converse and organise a date with them.

Your opportunities to meet people for free are endless. You walk past people you can meet every time you go for a stroll. They are there, waiting for the same bus as you. They are in the grocery store. Everywhere you go there are people waiting for you to say hi to them. It doesn’t take money, although it may take a bit of courage and practise while you get used to the idea.

Once you have met someone and have agreed to see them again, your options on where to take someone are virtually limitless. Most of the dates which cost money are “old hat” anyway, so often a cheaper alternative stands out and is much more successful. A great example of this was in the movie Josh Hartnett stared in, called 40 days and 40 nights. In this movie, he simply took a girl (the girl whose heart he ended up winning (played by Shannyn Sossamon)) on a bus ride. That was his idea of the perfect first date. If you haven’t seen the movie, get a copy if for no other reason than to see how successful this date was.

So stop, think and be imaginative. It is sure to impress. Here are some ideas to get you thinking: If you are an expert at something (Ie. dancing, surfing, cooking) give your date a free lesson or experience. If you are not an expert, suggest you learn something together. (cooking is great in this regard) Hit your local council up for their local or community events. Go to the beach and have a sand castle building competition (try to lose this one :))

It is really easy to meet and date people without spending a cent. You have to spend something though, so spend some time and effort instead. Its sure to end in a successful time.

Online dating can be challenging. So at Dating Down Under, you can start off on the right path with dating online website reviews and advice.

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