How to Give Your High School Homeschooler a More Independent Schedule

If you are going to be homeschooling a high school student this year, you may want to consider giving them a more independent schedule. This can be done in a number of ways, so before you set up their schedule for the new year, try some of the tips below. If your child has not yet become an independent student, now is the time to start guiding them that way.

Let them create it themselves

The high school years are the perfect time to allow your child a bit more freedom when it comes to scheduling their day. Most high school students still need a little motivation but they know by this age, what time of day is best for them to accomplish their work. So prior to starting school for the year have them sit down, and create a spread sheet that shows their daily schedule.

Don’t hover

There is nothing wrong with making sure that your child get’s their work done, but you don’t want to hover over them. They are old enough to start learning how to be responsible for their own work so let them. You can have a set time at the end of each day, where you will check their work for accuracy, and to make sure that they are completing the required assignments daily. This way you are still giving them their own space, while ensuring that they are not slacking off.

Find the right curriculum

Believe it or not the curriculum can make a huge difference. In some cases high school students are not able to take care of their own education simply because the curriculum is not the right fit for them. If you notice that your high school student is struggling a bit, than perhaps consider switching curriculums.

Help them choose a career path

By the time your child has reached the high school level they should be more than ready to decide what career path they want to go in. Of course they may not be one hundred percent sure, but you can at least help them come up with a few ideas. Most students have some ideas already in mind. Doing this will help you to focus their education, and decide if they need to prepare for college, or a trade school. Remember to avoid choosing for them, but instead allow them to choose for themselves. You can offer your input but the key is for them to pick something that will make them happy.

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