How to Effectively Increase Shooting Range Accuracy

Whether using a bow, rifle or even a pistol there are many different ways to increase your aim while at the shooting range. Some people are ‘naturals’ when it comes to taking aim and firing at a target. But unfortunately there are still many others who need that extra bit of practice in order to become experts themselves. There really is no ‘science’ to perfect accuracy while at the shooting range but there are a few remedies and meditational tips that can help. Practice the following exercises to not only better increase precision but accuracy as well.

Know the Weapon. It doesn’t matter what kind of weapon is being fired the fact still remains: Know the weapon. This means give it a proper inspection, make sure everything works accordingly, become familiar with the weight and feeling, and adapt to the kick after a few practice rounds have been fired from it. Every weapon shoots differently forcing the user to adapt to the kick of each one.

Focus on Breathing. Taking fast and rapid breaths will make the upper body unbalanced which will cause aim to become inaccurate. Instead, focus on taking slow long breaths. This will also better slow down the pace of the heart and allow for better concentration. Stress, anxiety, and nervousness will be reduced which will assist with ensuring a cleaner more accurate shot. Remember to not hold in air before pulling the trigger. This will cause the upper body to become unstable. Instead, slowly release all the air from the lungs while focusing directly on the target.

Only See the Target. Do not stray your eyes from the target when preparing to shoot. Distractions are all around and can easily lead eyes to wander which will only have a negative result when firing at the target. Instead, focus on nothing but the target. Stare so long that all other images that surround the target no longer exists in sight. Doing so will help the mind force the body into one direction of motion and increase the chances of hitting a target directly on.

Clear the Mind. Finally, clear the mind of all useless clutter while shooting. This is a type of meditation that must be practiced whether shooting for sport or for game and can also be very useful for both on and off the shooting range. Knowing how to clear the mind entirely from all stress, worry, depression, and anger will help improve better focus which will lead to better accuracy.


“How to Improve Airsoft Accuracy.” By Nicholas Robbins EHow Contributor

“Meditation Tips – 5 Factors of Focus.” By Benjamin Langley

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