How to Draw a Fox!

Drawing a fox gets to be a little frustrating, namely because they usually come out looking like cats. Not that cats aren’t SUPER CUTE ADORABLE, but you know, you wanna draw a fox you wanna draw a fox. Here’s a pretty simple formula for making a pwecious wittle foxum. (Click through the image gallery for visuals!)

Step One!

A circle! For the head! Hoorah! Next, a little inverted dipper for the body.

Step Two!

Add some legs! Draw two ovals on either side of the body for the haunches. Add two long “U” shapes for the front paws. Make sure they’re long and skinny – foxes don’t have a lot of fluff on the paws.

Step Three!

A tail! Foxes have SUPER FLUFFY tails, so go nuts. For a “fox in repose” as it were, draw the tail curling around the foxes body as I did here. If you want the fox to look more exited while still sitting down you can use the tail to show mood by making it stand straight out, making it look scared or excited, or what have you.

Step Four!

Aw what? We’re almost done? That was so easy! Heck yeah it was! In this part you have to be REALY careful though, because it’s the face that makes a fox a fox instead of a cat. So, what you want to do is add some face fluff by making curly ends to the circle of the head on either side. This stretches the face out a little more and makes it more oblong. Next, draw two BIG triangles on the head for some ears. The longer the ears the LESS it looks like a cat. Add two dots to mark the eyes and a long dipper shape for the snout. Again, the longer the snout the more it looks like a fox!

Step Five!

Clean it up! Erase all unnecessary lines and add detail.

Hoorah! You, sir or ma’am, have got yourself a fox!

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