How to Cure Your Snack Cravings

Do you find yourself in the kitchen every fifteen minutes munching on something new? Well, constantly eating little “snacks” can end up with big consequences. To begin with, these small meals almost always have more calories than you think, and that could be the main cause of those pounds that have been sneaking onto your waistline. If there’s one habit to kick as we get closer to the New Year, it’s snacking; and this article will show you exactly how to cure your cravings.

Step 1: Fiber is your friend!

The truth is, fiber really does keep you full and happy. You also just happen to be in luck. Fiber comes in every shape and size these days: protein bars, cereal, and even tasteless powders that dissolve in your drink. Be sure to eat fiber-rich foods with every meal to keep you satisfied until the next.

Step 2: Water, water, and more water!

Drinking water with meals and throughout the day will keep something in your stomach, and it’s a much healthier alternative to sugary sodas, which can make you crave sweets. Need more convincing? Drinking more water and less soda will help you lose weight, improve your complexion, and reduce your risk of disease and infection.

Step 3: Exercise

Studies have shown that exercising can reduce snack cravings. Physical activity releases endorphins which make you happier, relieve stress and lower your risk for depression. This makes you less likely to give in to emotional eating.

Step 4: Do something!

Emotional eating A.K.A. stress eating, happy eating, boredom eating, etc. is one of the main causes of constant snacking. So go for a walk, call a friend, do a puzzle, anything that will keep your mind occupied and your body out of the kitchen.

Step 5: Plan your meals

You may be constantly eating because you’re not full from your last meal. So you compensate for that in snack food that doesn’t fill you up. Plan to eat healthy, balanced, smaller meals more often. Then, if necessary, have only one or two preplanned snacks to eat if you get hungry during the day.

Step 6: Don’t buy it!

If none of the above are working for you, you may need to do something a little bit more drastic. If you don’t have snack food, you can’t eat it. Clean out your pantries and refrigerator and throw out/give away any foods that are not staples or already planned to be used for a meal. Then, when you go to the store, only buy things you need to make actual meals.

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