How to Calculate Federal Income Tax for Each Paycheck Manually?

Some small business owners are still calculating the taxes manually. Following is the step by step guide on how to use federal tax table and do it manually.

For example:

Karen is the employee of She lives in Arizona. Her withholding rate is married/withhold at a single rate. She has two exemptions and no extra withholds. She gets paid $10 per hour biweekly. She works 64 hours for each pay period.

Followings are the steps to calculate the federal tax:

1. Gross pay for each paycheck:

For each pay period, the gross pay is $640

2. Deduction for each paycheck:
The standard deduction is $3700 per year (For Year 2011).
She can get total $3700*2=$7400
For each pay period the deduction is: $7400/26=$284.62

3. Taxable income for each paycheck
So for each paycheck, the taxable income is: 640-284.62=$355.38

4. Federal tax
(355.38-81.00) * 10%=274.38*10%=$27.44

Current Federal Income Withholding Tax table

Payroll software is designed to automate paycheck processes to reduce the time spent on running payroll. ezPaycheck payroll software’s graphic interface leads users step-by-step through setting up employee information, importing data, calculating payroll-including calculation of federal, state and local taxes; deductions for Medicare, insurance and 401(k) plans; and printing paychecks.

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