How Does Facebook Affect Your Teenager?

Facebook is everywhere and chances are your teens are hooked. Are you wondering whether this is good or bad for your teenagers? Many people disagree on this topic. Some state that it is perfectly normal for teens to be into Facebook. Others argue that it has too many negative aspects to it. Lets take a look at both sides.

There are many reasons why teens love Facebook. They get to connect with their friends, see pictures, make comments, play games and much more. It is good for them to be actively social with people their age. It is also a great way for kids to keep in touch with their distant family members. Some parents befriend their teens to see what they are doing and feel connected to them. It also helps break them out of their comfort zone and interact with kids they normally wouldn’t. Facebook doesn’t have clicks, like school does. Anyone can be friends and socialize. It is good for teenagers to take an interest in the lives of other kids. It helps them be more accepting and understanding. It is also easier for teens to know that there are other kids out there that share their problems.

There are many people who believe that it is harmful to teenagers. Most teenagers do not use correct spelling and grammar when typing on the computer. Teachers are blaming their poor grammar on texting and social sites. They claim that its makes it easier for teens to use bad grammar. They are abbreviating and creating their own words. Relationships made online differ from the ones that are made in the real world. Some say that it makes them more self centered. This is because they have their own page, pictures and it’s easy for them to only think of themselves. Parent’s claim it’s easier for children to fall victim to harassment.

So now that you’ve heard the positive and negatives against teenagers using Facebook, you can decide which side you agree with. It’s easy to help your children stay safe when online. Creating a safe profile and setting the highest security settings will help.

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