Elder Scrolls: Skyrim is the Best Game of 2011!

Thanks to Gamefly, I’ve played my share of games this year. From Gears of War 3 to L.A. Noire, there were so many game releases this year that I could barely keep up. However, regardless of all the games that I have played this year, I must say that my favorite game of 2011 would have to be Elder Scrolls: Skyrim.

I would have to say that Skyrim has made it to the top of my list of this year, and even overall. This game is amazing, and I would definitely recommend it to any video game lover. Seriously, I love this game.

First of all, the game scenery is amazing. There are so many places to explore from caves and dungeons to forests and castles. There are so many details in every location and you have so much free will that you can interact with most objects in your environment. I love this because so many games feel so limited as to what you can do with your surroundings. Skyrim gives you a refreshing sense of freedom that is so rare to find.

Another thing that I love about Skyrim is the never ending amount of quests. Seriously, you will play the game and everywhere that you go, you will have tons of quests that will keep you busy. There is never a time where you will feel like you don’t know what to do next, unless it’s choosing which quest to do next! This is great for people like me who get bored easily. Whenever I feel like straying away from the main quest, I can with no problem.

The combat in Skyrim gives you plenty of options. You can choose to be a mage if you want to. If you prefer to do one-handed combat or even archery, you can basically customize your character to fit your preferences. If you are really indecisive, no fear, you have the option throughout the game to change your character around. If you started out using plenty of swords and you decide that you want to start using magic instead, you only have to start building up your spells and magic skills and there you have a newly found mage.

Speaking of weapons and combat, there are plenty of options that you can use to improve your combat. You know how some games have you stuck with whatever they give you? Not Skyrim. I love how Skyrim will let you equip your weapons with spells, improve them with smithing, or if you are fighting an enemy, you can use alchemy to help you defeat a touch enemy. This comes in handy, especially when you are fighting a dragon. Sure, you can buy a powerful weapon in a shop somewhere, if you have the coin to do it. However, if you are broke, you can strengthen your weapon easily as long as you build your skills in smithing and enchantment. This is a great way to make money too. Sell your enchanted weapons and you will be making bank easily.

There are not enough words to express how much I love Skyrim. When I say that I love it, I am literally still glued to playing it. It is very addicting and so far it is still keeping me entertained. With the beautiful environment, endless quests, and freedom to make your character who you want it to be, this game is definitely my top pick for 2011.

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