Easy Way to Start Indoor Seeds for Spring Planting

Save money and start growing seedlings in your home from spring planting. The cost of a package of seeds is very close to the purchase cost of a four pack of plants purchased in a greenhouse. Everything you need is easily found around the house except for grow lights. Grow lights are two separate bulbs that consist of a warm and a cool bulb. If you have questions about grow lights, ask your local greenhouse which ones are the best.

Plant your seedlings by counting back from your area’s last frost date. In Iowa, the last frost date is May 12. Look at the seed packet for the germination time for the seeds then count back from your frost date. In Iowa, geraniums should be planted 10 to 12 weeks prior to the frost date. Other dates include petunias and impatiens – 8 to 10 weeks; peppers, eggplants and marigolds – 6 to 8 weeks; tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower – 5 to 7 weeks; and cucumbers, watermelon, muskmelon and squash – 3 to 4 weeks.

Cut milk jugs in half and use the bottom as a pot. Another good potting container is an empty egg carton. Fill each container with a medium weight porous seed starting medium to within 1-inch of the container’s top. Believe it or not, Jiffy Mix is ideal as a potting medium and very economical to buy. Moisten the potting medium then plant the seeds.

Use a pencil eraser to create small furrows for the seeds. Plant the seeds then cover with the moist potting medium. As a rule of thumb, plant 3 to 4 seeds per container. Plant the seed twice as deep as the diameter of the seed. Note: Some seeds sit on the top surface of the soil to germinate. Read the seed packet prior to planting to know whether to cover the seeds or leave them sit on the surface of the soil.

Label each container. Mist the soil with a fine mister. Cover each container with plastic wrap. Place the containers in a warm location that is between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Check on the seeds every day and watch for the seedlings to appear. Once the seedlings have popped through the surface, remove the plastic wrap. Place the seedlings under a grow light 16 hours a day. Turn off the light for the remainder of the time period. The seedlings need both lightness and darkness to grow properly.

Keep an eye on the seedlings as they grow. They will get to the point they will begin to crowd out one another. At this point, pull the smaller seedlings to allow the larger seedlings to grow. Water the seedlings throughout the process. It is best to water from below and not get the soil saturated. Moist is all you want.

Turn the seedlings periodically to encourage straight stems. Plant the seedlings when there is no longer a threat of freezing.

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