Dealing with Depression

Let me start off by saying I am by no means a medical professional and if you or someone you know are dealing with depression it is best to seek the proper professional help.

I am currently a sophomore in college who has dealt with chronic depression for a number of years. On the flip side I am also a declared Psychology major which provides me with insight into my illness that lets me view it in a different light.

I have been personally seeing a therapist for around 2 years now and while talking with a therapist does seem to help there are a number of things that I use between sessions that help to get me by:

Talking with a best friend that I trust: The word trust is the keyword here. Many individuals that suffer with depression choose not to talk about it with friends and family because they feel that they will think they are “crazy” or something to that effect. Let me just say that a true friend will be there for you no matter what. Finding someone to open up to can be challenging but, once you do find someone that will let you speak your mind you will find that it really helps just being able to vent to them.

Helping other people who are struggling: Now I have heard people say that depressed people shouldn’t be around each other because they will pull out even more negative emotions if they are together. However, I have found quite the opposite. In fact helping other friends that I know are suffering is a major part of why I’m still here typing this article today. Not only do you feel good about helping someone else out, but their problems can give you insight into your own problems. I’ve found a number of times that when a friend asks for advice the advice I end up giving applies to my own problems as well.

Write: This is actually a fairly new one for me while I always would vent via social networks I never wrote strictly for myself. I have found however, that writing can be a very enlightening experience. Not only do you get your thoughts out but, you can also learn things about yourself by writing. When you write there’s no one else to judge you so you are free to say what you need to say.

While the above strategies are not a cure-all for my depression they certainly do help, and perhaps will be beneficial to others as well!

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