Coping with Autism – Accepting that Your Child is Autistic

Nothing is harder than finding out your child has been diagnosed with autism and finding the means of coping with it can be its own battle. As the mother of an autistic son, I completely relate to every single concern a parent has in regards to what autism really means for their child. You not only experience frustration, isolation, and an inability to comprehend what your child is thinking, but you can develop discouragement when your see how your child handles situations he or she is exposed to. Here are some important facts to keep in mind when you experience these emotions about autism.

Focus on your child’s strengths. Children with autism are extremely smart and often have an advantage over typical developing kids in this area. Somehow they can retain valuable information and recall details most forget. My son is seen as the cool kid in class because the others are amazed at how quickly he knows the answer to a question the teacher asks in his third grade classroom. Also, is your child particular about how things are done or organized? A lot parents wish their child had these strengths! Several children with autism have exact ways of doing things and thrive on routine.

Enjoy the unique qualities your child offers. It’s s a fact that special needs children are definitely “special.” They have individual qualities that set them apart from others with their genuine personality. Sometimes when your child is out in public with other kids, they may have a tendency to go off by themselves to look at a running stream of water or study the fascinating patterns of a brick wall. I have always experienced this difficult aspect of raising a child with autism, but have better coped with this side of autism by accepting my child for who he is. Is your child happy and is he or she truly interested in what they are focused on? Although it may feel strange to have you child be somewhat “obsessed” with these activities, remember that we don’t see everything that he or she does. Not only all that, but these kids can be so hilarious. There is certainly a humorous side to their unique traits.

Your child is memorable for all the right reasons. It’s another fact that autism has a broad spectrum. No two children with autism are exactly alike. As a mom, it astonishes me how memorable my son is to everyone we encounter because of his great qualities and very “individual” personality. He’s actually quite likable and I hear a lot of people tell me how much they adore my son. Your child is memorable in a very good way to people. This is a great way to cope with negative emotions that may creep in. Just remember how awesome your kid is and that you’re not as isolated as you feel. Every parent wants to feel that others see their son or daughter in a good light. The truth is, they really do.

Autism is definitely challenging and can be difficult to cope with. Being a single parent, no one gets that more than me. In the beginning, I wasn’t sure I would ever get through this diagnosis with my son. Seven years later, I have developed a stronger appreciation for my son’s condition. It’s not the end of the world — and in many ways, I’m really glad he doesn’t see the same perspective a lot of typically developing kids do.

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