Clouded Perception

Have you ever lain, staring up into a cloudless sky on a sunny day? Have you, without any conscious effort, strained to see; to peer beyond the seemingly endless expanse of the sky? Have you found yourself so taken by the beauty of the sky’s rich blue color, that you just know that nothing else in creation could be so pure? If so, you have been duped by the limitations of human perception.

It’s hard to conceive and even harder to concede; but most of what we “know” is considered knowledge simply on the basis of sensory acceptance. This does not make it fact.

Take for example, that cloudless sky. That statement is true only within the scope of our very limited vision. Beyond the horizon, just past the limitations of our vision, lies the unknown. Cloudless? Only to the extent of what we can see. And with apologies to Barbara Streisand; “on a clear day” you can’t see forever!

The same can be said for it being a sunny day. In fact, thunderstorms may very well be drenching the next county. The atmosphere is not limitless, as man now knows, having ventured beyond into the vastly larger reaches of space. Even that expanse is being realized as far larger than human capabilities are able to perceive. As to that “pure, blue sky”; if it weren’t for the impurities, the sky would likely be as colorless as space. None of these facts, match up with our very limited sensory impressions.

So what’s the point? Is everything, as King Solomon lamented “meaningless”? Quite the contrary! If you concede to the given points, you must conclude that it is beyond the limits of our comprehension to truly understand the magnitude of God’s creation. God not only understands, but is in control of that which He created; with one exception – the human will. That one thing, He gave us power over; each one individually. Unfortunately, we too often allow our will to be directed by what we perceive as truth, fact, right and wrong. Instead, we should be requesting and relying on God’s direction.

That was God’s intention. He wanted us to couple knowledge with discernment, before calling it wisdom. His desire was for us to accept, with simple faith, that creation requires a Creator. Recognizing that fact, would lead us through simple reasoning to turn to Him for the Truth which holds all of the answers.

Jesus pointed this out when He stated; “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father, but by Me.” That statement is the equivalent of getting hit over the head with a spiritual 2×4; or should be! How much more crystal clarity is needed? By the way; the phrase “crystal clear” should not be used in reference to anything of this world. It originated in Revelation 22:1; “He showed me a pure river of the Water of Life, clear as crystal.”. That’s True clarity and purity, not the illusion of it created by light passing through impurities. Pure gold? Read the fine print; 99.9% – not pure! True purity hasn’t existed in our world since man first sinned in Eden; with one exception – Jesus.

It seems that some people are prone to swapping their words for God’s. Perhaps this is their way of trying to eliminate faith and make sense of God. They seem to be caught up in saying “I can’t accept what I can’t see and touch.” That, to them eliminates God. They can’t see “Him”, because they refuse to acknowledge His attributes, when viewing His creation. They can’t touch “Him”, because they won’t reach out in admission that they aren’t in control. They refuse the sovereign Authority of One God, One Way, One Truth; all leading to eternal life; life beyond human perception and reasoning. I say “they” and need to admit that I was once part of that same crowd; we all were. The difference is that I no longer claim to own my will, having given it over to the One Who died to purchase my soul. That choice can be yours as well, if you haven’t already made it so.

Don’t set yourself, or others who may follow you, up for heartbreak, failure and ultimately condemnation. Don’t refuse to admit that humanity’s horizon does indeed exist. Recognize the fact that beyond the scope of human perception, exists Forever. There, watching over us and waiting for us to see Him, is God. Yet, we don’t have to wait for death to see Him. He is neither invisible, nor unreachable. He came here to Earth in human form; “Emmanuel” – “God with us” – “Jesus”! He invited us to see God and in His purity and perfection ,we were made aware of our sin. He invited us to touch God and in our sin we nailed Him to a tree. He invited us to witness the power of His resurrection and through it accept the promise of our own. Have you accepted God’s invitation, His Gift? Or are you still staring, straining to see beyond the boundaries of your all too limited perception of life? Are you trying to rationalize the unfathomable? If so, it’s time to close your eyes and open your heart in faith. Allow God to let you glimpse Forever. Let God show you THE Truth.

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